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At an early hour yesterday morning the reports of cannon in the direction of Bottom's Bridge gave warning that active hostilities had been resumed, though to what extent was not known until a later hour of the day. A rumor was soon in circulation that Grant was moving his whole army towards the James, and abandoning his position near Cold Harbor, which he had taken much pains to fortify and render impregnable. This report was afterwards fully confirmed.

It appears that a force of the enemy, during the night of Sunday, crossed the Chickahominy at Long Bridge, eight miles below Bottom's Bridge, and drove in our cavalry pickets. Report says that they also crossed at Forge Bridge and Turner's Ford, still lower down the river. Our pickets fell back to Riddle's Shop, a point thirteen miles below Richmond, at the intersection of the Charles City and Long Bridge roads, where a brisk skirmish took place between a detachment of Gen. W. H. F. Lee's cavalry, under Col. Gary, and the enemy. This fight was progressing at two o'clock P. M., though with what result we are not informed. A report was in circulation that the enemy had gained possession of Malyvern Hill, but this lacks confirmation.

Later advices state that our men, owing to the difference in numbers, were compelled to full back.

[from our own correspondent.]

Army of Northerns Virginia, June, 13th, 5 P. M.
Grant, after digging six heavy lines of entrenchnment on his old front, near Gaines's Mill, Suddenly abandoned them last night, moving again on our right. This morning about day he suddenly appeared at the Long Bridge on the Chickahominy, about eighteen miles below Richmond. Here his forces found a small picket of ours, which was readily driven in, and the enemy proceeded to cross. Our cavalry fell back to Riddle's shop, and the enemy pushing as there was a considerable fight until our men were forced to give back before the enemy's combined force of infantry, artillery, and cavalry.

The enemy are also reported moving on the River road, as well as the Charles City read. Our scouts also say that Grant is landing troops and supplies from his gun boats near Malvern Hill, and it is supposed that he is in possession of those heights. This accords with the information previously received, and now confirmed, that the enemy have been tearing up and destroying the York River railroad.

Up to this hour there has been no collision of the two armies, but it is not improbable that one will occur late this evening or early in the morning. Our troops are marching rapidly to thwart and check the enemy.

Grant may intend to go to the Southside, but it is more likely that he will make another effort this side of the James and the Chickahominy.

Our men captured a few prisoners this morning. They were principally from the 17th and 18th corps.

Grant is not so, near Richmond as when he was south of the Chickahominy, but he has certainly now made across that river.

The enemy, when they abandoned their breastworks this morning, left them guard of by a line of skirmishers, some one hundred and fifty of whom fell into our hands, among them a mad carrier attached to the 6th corps.

[correspondence of the Dispatch.]

Sunday Evening, June 12, 1864.
On the left of our lines nothing at this time is occurring of either an exciting or important character. scouts to-day were down the Chickahominy. River Road, below Hawe's The only Yankees seen were pickets on the Topectomy river, two miles below Shop. I have learned from parties who have just return from the vicinity of the White House that the enemy are destroying the York River Railroad, and moving towards dames river, carrying the railroad from with them.

The section the enemy passed through has been ditched and fortified extensively. --Whenever they halted an hour they entrenched themselves. Feathers, their tracks, telling the depredations they committed and showing their thievish and brutal propensities.

Yesterday several squadrons of their cavalry thought they would test the strength of our pickets some miles out from the Meadow Bridge. They trotted up and were fired upon by our pickets, we killing three, capturing two, and, it is thought, wounding free times that number. Their horses are unusually poor.

J. S. H.

News from Sheridan's Raiding party.

We have the following information from a perfectly reliable source: A detachment of Sheridan's forces about five hundred in number, entered Louisa Court-House on Saturday, and had a skirmish with a portion of General Hampton's command with no important result. They destroyed no property at the Court House, but left in apparent haste. On Sunday Gen. Hampton met Sheridan at Trevilian's depot, nine miles this side of Gordonsville, when an engagement took place, resulting in the complete rout of the enemy, who left six hundred in killed, wounded and prisoners in our hands. The Yankees retreated in much confusion by the route over which they came, through Caroline county. This is the latest information we have of the movements of Sheridan, who to have suddenly adopted the "doublequick." We are peculiarly gratified to record this evidence of the gallantry of our cavalry.

Affairs in Petersburg.

There were seven funerals in Petersburg, Saturday and Sunday, of the gallant dead who fell in the local defence. Among the deaths not before announced, are those of Wm. II. Hardee, a prominent merchant, and John Crowder, a young man, whose father is believed to be a prisoner. The brother of the young man — Wm. Crowder — was killed in the fight, and John was thought to be a prisoner, but his dead body was found with in the fortifications. Brig. Gen. Wise has issued an address to the soldiers and citizens who participated in the fight, in which he highly Compliments the militia and says that "Beauregard himself has thanked Archer and his comrades on the very spot of their devotion." Gen. Wise says "a people who can thus fight for their allars must besides, supported, guarded, by every arm which can be outstretched for their defence."

So far twelve of the militia have died of their wounds.

From the valley — the capture of Lexington — the movement against Lyncmsiro.

The entrance of the enemy into Lexingson was resisted by a force under General

McCausland, who fought them until his flanks were turned, when he was compelled to give way. That McCausland did not suffer much damage is proved by intelligence received yesterday, that he was still in front of the forces of Crook and Averill who were reported to be moving from Lexington in the direction of Buchanan and Salem, Roanoke county. These forces were estimated at six thousand. The same person who brings this news states further that a party of five hundred were detached at Lexington and sent across the country to break the railroad between Lynchburg and Charlottesville. A depot agent who arrived here yesterday, having left Amherst Court house on Sunday afternoon, states that the enemy entered that place at two o'clock, but up to the time of his leaving had destroyed no property, nor did they burn anything at Arrington's except a depot building. The railroad bridge at Tye river, according to this informant, was not molested.

From the above sources we have a report that General Breckinridge was moving rapidly after the enemy, and was close upon them. We have also the cheering information that Lynchburg is abundantly defended, and perfectly safe. Our forces there are under the immediate. command of General Nichols, though it is reported that General Harry Hayes, as the ranking officer, has assumed the command.

We have other accounts which throw discredit upon the report that the enemy occupied Amherst Court-House on Sunday evening. A dispatch from our special correspondent at Lynchburg, received yesterday, pronounces the report premature, but says they were moving about cautiously in that vicinity and in the direction of Lynchburg. Our troops were in line of battle, and ready to give the enemy a warm reception when ever he might make his appearance.

It was also reported last evening that an official dispatch had been received from General Nichols, stating that the rumor of the occupation of Amherst Court-House was premature, and that he was misled by information received from a courier.

[from our own correspondent.]

Lynchburg, June 13 A. M.
--The report of the enemy being at Amherst C. H. yesterday evening was premature. They are now in that vicinity, moving cautiously in this direction. They will probably attempt to form a junction with Averill, who is said to be making his way from Lexington.

Our force is in line of battle, and ready for the enemy.

Lynchburg, June 13
--P M.--The enemy burned the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington on Saturday; also, Jordan's Point Mill property, and other improvement of less importance. A sharp artillery duel occurred before the enemy entered Lexington, in which some buildings were fired by shell. The enemy's forces that effected the capture are reported at six thousand strong.

No material change in the situation. B.

Forrest's victory in North Mississippi--brilliant results.

The report of General Forrest's victory over Grierson, in North Mississippi, is fully confirmed. A dispatch from General S. D Lee, received yesterday at the War Department, says that General Forrest attacked the enemy at 10 o'clock on the morning of the 10th instant, six miles west of Baldwin, and fought until 5 P M, gaining a complete victory. The force of the enemy was estimated at 10,000. At the date of the dispatch Gen. Forrest had already driven them ten miles. The following is a copy of a second dispatch received from Gen Lee, giving some of the results of the victory.

Baldwin, June 11th Via Mobile, June 12.

To Gen. S Corper:
The battle of Tishomingo Creek, fought yesterday by Major General Forrest, is one of the most signal victories of the war for the forces engaged.

The secured results on the field, so far are two hundred prisoners, twelve pieces of artillery, one hundred and fifty wagons, mostly loaded, and more still coming in Most of the animals were ridden off by the enemy.

The rout was complete. Our forces — less than one fourth--are in close and vigorous pursuit.

Our loss, so far, will not exceed four hundred in killed and wounded.

Too much praise cannot be awarded to the gallant Forrest and his brave command

S. D. Lee, Major Gen.

The last heard from Major Gen. Grierson and his party, they were making with all possible speed for Memphis, the point from whence they started on their marauding expedition.

Later and better.

The following official dispatch was received at the War Department last night:

Okolona, via Mobile, June 13.

General S. Cooper:
Gen. Forrest reports from Salem, on the 11th, that he the had scattered the forces of the enemy, and was still pursuing them. The loss of the enemy so far amounts to 2,000 killed and wounded and 1,000 prisoners, twenty pieces of artillery, and two hundred and fifty wagons and ambulances. The rout is complete.

S. D. Lee, Major Gen.

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