The Courts.
--The following is a summary of the cases before the Mayor yesterday: John Wrenn, citizen of Richmond, about twenty-two years of age, charged with picking the pocket of James Callahan of a wallet containing three hundred dollars. The robbery occurred on Saturday night at a house on Seventeenth street, near Poplar. The prisoner, upon being summoned to answer the charge, stated that he had not had time to procure the attendance of his witnesses, and therefore hoped the case would be continued, which request the Mayor complied with, and remanded the accused to jail for his appearance on Tuesday morning at eleven o'clock. Bail was not allowed; his Honor remarking that, even if the nature of the present charge did not deprive him of the privilege, yet the fact that he (Wrenn) was an escaped prisoner from Castle Thunder was sufficient to warrant him in refusing it. A small boy, named Thomas Doland, who has already appeared several times before the Mayor's Court, was charged with the theft of brass from the Tredegar Iron Works and selling it to Mr. William A. Parr. The party purchasing the brass from Doland acknowledged having done so, but thought it had been honestly obtained, and therefore did not think he was doing wrong. In consideration of his extreme youth and the non-appearance of any parties claiming the ownership of the property alleged to be stolen, his Honor discharged Doland with a reprimand. Another youth, apparently eighteen years of age, giving his name as Charles Barefoot, was also arraigned to answer the charge of stealing brass from the Tredegar Iron Works. As regards the purchase of the brass, the statement, as in the case of Doland, was made by Mr. Parr, he having paid the accused two or three dollars for a lot which had been brought to him by Barefoot to buy. The Mayor suspended further examination until he could procure the attendance of witnesses who would swear that this was the party who had committed the theft. Lewis Brown, charged with committing a violent assault upon S. A. Goodman, (both employees of Messrs. Hundley & Cance, bakers, on Broad street,) was held to bail in the sum of five hundred dollars for his appearance in February to answer indictment before the Grand Jury of the Hustings Court.
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