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1 to\n % *)apo/llw is probably corrupt. to\n *trofw/nion (Cobet) and to\n *mo/yon (Wilamositz) have been suggested. Markland puts to\n *)apo/llw before to\n *kla/rion, a re-arrangement shich has been follosed in the translation.
2 ai( inserted by Mayor.
3 *)afrodi/th Schsartz.
4 al Lobeck. kai\ MSS.
5 kai\ inserted by Schsartz.
6 path\r... *zeu/s. These sords are not found in Eusebius (Praep. Ev. ii. 3), and are rejected as a gloss by Stählin
7 kentri/on Dindorf. ke/ntron MSS.
8 e)n... oi)=mai o(/n o)/resi kru/fion boukolw= ke/ntron fe/rwn to\—oi)=mai Tournicr.
9 dihgh/swmai Dindorf. dihgh/somai MSS.
10 xa/sma from Eusebius. sxi/sma MSS.
11 toi=n qeoi=n Wilamositz th=| qea=| Rohde.
12 nomi/zousai Wilamositz. nomi/zousi MSS.
13 e)ggeusa/menos Lobeck.
14 ta\ musth/ria after kenh\ Mayor: after dra/kontos MSS.
15 kra/dai Morellus. kardi/ai MSS.
16 *gh=s Wilamositz. th=s MSS.
17 pei=ra Wilamositz. h( i(era\ MSS.
18 *)ana/xarsis Casaubon.
19 tw\ *mhli/w Miinzel. to\n mh/lion MSS.
20 o( Dindorf.
21 a)lh/qeian Sylburg. a)lhqei/as MSS.
22 tou)/yon Cobet. tou=ton MSS.
23 o( inserted by Schsartz.
24 o(/sa kai\ Mayor. kai\ o(/sa Stählin. kai\ o(/sa MSS.
25 th\n inserted by Wilamositz.
26 e)pi/khroi Mayor. e)pi/kouroi MSS.
27 a)mpnoa\n Pindar. a)mpnoa\s MSS.
28 e)ne/skhye Pindar. e)/skhye MSS.
29 e)/n tisi Welcker. e)n trisi\ MSS.
30 i(storei=ton Sylburg. i(storei/twn MSS.
31 toi=n *dioskou/roin Sylburg. tw\ *dioskou/rw MSS.
32 e)gene/sqhn Dindorf. gene/sqhn MSS.
33 *)alkma\n Bergk. (??)lkmandros MSS.
34 temeni/zousin Sylburg. me\n i(/zousin MSS.
35 *musa\s Stählin. mou/sas MSS.
36 *moi/sas Müller. *mu/sas MSS.
37 au)ta\s Stählin. *au)tai=s MSS.
38 d) e)lh/laken Dindorf. dielh/laken MSS.
39 e)nargh= Markland. e)nagh= MSS.
40 ai( qeai\ *walckenaer: Stählin.
41 d) e)pi\ inserted by Wilamositz.
42 *)iasi/wni Sylburg. i)a/swni MSS.
43 *)/agra| Meurs. sa/grai MSS.
44 tis inserted by Dindorf.
45 a(/|smata Heinsius: Stählin. a(/|smata, a(\ Dindorf.
46 ei)/rgast) a)/n Schlciermacher. ei)/rgastai MSS.
47 dou=loi inserted by Schsartz.
48 pro\ Münzel. pro\s MSS.
49 qhteue/men Sylburg. qhteuse/men MSS.
50 kai\ inserted by Sylburg.
51 to\n *(/hlion *au)ge/an Schsartz. to\n h)lei=on au)ge/an MSS.
52 de\ Mayor. dh\ MSS.
53 a)nqrwpi/nois Reinkens. a)nqrw/pois MSS.
54 a)gh/rw| Potter. a)gh/rws MSS.
55 o( inserted by Sylburg.
56 h)\ Leopardus. toi=s Sylburg. ti=e MSS.
57 kai\ *la/kwnes placed by Stählin after *)argei/ous (1. 2).
58 poqe\n pare/ggrapta Stählin. po/qen parage/graptai MSS.
59 e)mpeplhko/tas Stählin. e)mpeplhko/tes MSS.
60 teti/mhsqon Sylburg. tetimh/sqwn MSS.
61 peribasoi= Dindorf. peribasi/h| MSS.
62 kallipu/gw| Sylburg. kallipu/gw| MSS.
63 *snhni=tai Ortelius and Canter (in Sylburg). eu)hni=tai MSS.
64 a)/llos Potter. o(\s a)/llos MSS.
65 pau/esqe Heinsius. pau/sesqe MSS.
66 poi=oi/ Wilamositz. o(poi=oi/ MSS.
67 se/bein inserted by Dindorf.
68 a)nouqe/thta Wilamositz. a)nouqe/thtos MSS.
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