
The capture of an Express train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

We have already given an account from the Baltimore American of the capture of an express train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, on Thursday week. The capture of this train was made by Major Gilmer's battalion of independent rangers, at a point in Jefferson county known as Brown's Shop, about midway between Harper's Ferry and Martinsburg. At both of these points there was a heavy force of the enemy, and, after the capture of the train was discovered, detachments were sent out to intercept Gilmer's band. The train was the Express from Baltimore, and on board of it were eighty armed Yankee's, all of whom, with their arms fell into Gilmer's hand. Major G.'s force consisted of but twenty-eight men. Among the passengers on board the train was ex-Senator Bright, of Indiana, who is reported to have rather enjoyed his capture by our forces.

The results of the capture were about $100,000 in greenbacks, 100 fine revolvers, a large lot of sabres, several gold watches, and many other articles of value.

Being closely pursued by a heavy column of the enemy, Maj. Gilmer found it necessary to let the prisoners off, which he did with great regret.

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