This text is part of:
Now read the
replies. “Reply to the
Athenians[Philip, King
of Macedonia, to the Council and
People of Athens,
greeting.—I am not ignorant of the policy which you have adopted
towards us from the first, nor of your efforts to win over the Thessalians
and Thebans, and the Boeotians as well. They, however, are wiser, and will
not submit their policy to your dictation, but take their stand upon
self-interest. And now you change your tactics, and send ambassadors with a
herald to me, reminding me of our compact and asking for an armistice,
though we have done you no wrong. However, after hearing your ambassadors, I
accede to your request, and am ready to conclude an armistice, if you will
dismiss your evil counsellors, and punish them with suitable degradation.
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