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for there is no small proof that too severe
training can produce this result in the fact that in the list of Olympic victors
one would only find two or three persons who have won both as men and as boys,
because when people go into training in youth the severe exercises rob them of
their strength. But when they have
spent three years after puberty upon their other studies, then it is suitable to
occupy the next period of life with laborious exercises and strict training
diet1; for
it is wrong to work hard with the mind and the body at the same time; for it is
the nature of the two different sorts of exertion to produce opposite effects,
bodily toil impeding the development of the mind and mental toil that of the
body.About music on the other hand we have previously raised some
questions in the course of our argument, but it is well to take them up again
and carry them further now, in order that this may give the key so to speak for
the principles which one might advance in pronouncing about it. For it is not
easy to say precisely what potency it possesses, nor yet for the sake of what
object one should participate in it—whether for amusement and
relaxation, as one indulges in sleep and deep drinking (for these in
themselves are not serious pursuits but merely pleasant, and ‘relax
our care,’ as Euripides says2; owing to
which people actually class music with them and
employ all of these things, sleep, deep drinking and music, in
the same way, and they also place dancing in the same class);
or whether we ought rather to
think that music tends in some degree to virtue (music being capable of
producing a certain quality of character just as gymnastics are capable of
producing a certain quality of body, music accustoming men to be able to rejoice
rightly); or that it contributes something to intellectual
entertainment3 and culture (for this must
be set down as a third alternative among those mentioned). Now it is
not difficult to see that one must not make amusement the object of the
education of the young; for amusement does not go with
learning—learning is a painful process. Nor yet moreover is it
suitable to assign intellectual entertainment to boys and to the young; for a
thing that is an end does not belong to anything that is imperfect. But perhaps it might be thought that the
serious pursuits of boys are for the sake of amusement when they have grown up
to be men. But, if something of this sort is the case, why should the young need
to learn this accomplishment themselves, and not, like the Persian and Median
kings, participate in the pleasure and the education of music by means of others
performing it? for those who have made music a business and profession must
necessarily perform better than those who practise only long enough to learn.
But if it is proper for them to labor at accomplishments of this sort, then it
would also be right for them to prepare the dishes of an elaborate cuisine; but
this is absurd. And the same
difficulty also arises as to the question whether learning music can improve
their characters; for why should they learn to perform edifying music
1 i.e. compulsion to eat very large rations of prescribed food—the Greek way of training.
2 Eur. Ba. 378 (Bromios) ὃς τάδ᾽ ἔχει, θιασεύειν τε χόροις μετά τ᾽ αὐλῶν γελᾶσαι ἀναπαῦσαί τε μερίμνας
3 The term διαγωγή, ‘pastime,’ is idiomatically used of the pursuits of cultured leisure—serious conversation, music, the drama.
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