But the difficulty first
proves nothing else so clearly as that it is proper for the laws when rightly
laid down to be sovereign, while the ruler or rulers in office should have
supreme powers over matters as to which the laws are quite unable to pronounce
with precision because of the difficulty of making a general rule to cover all
cases. We have not however yet ascertained at all what particular character a
code of laws correctly laid down ought to possess, but the difficulty raised at
the start
2 still
3 for necessarily the laws are
good or bad, just or unjust, simultaneously with and similarly to the
constitutions of states (though of course it is obvious that the laws
are bound to be adapted to the constitution); yet if so, it is clear
that the laws in conformity with the right constitutions must necessarily be
just and those in conformity with the divergent
4 forms of constitution
inasmuch as in all the sciences and arts the End is a good, and the greatest
good and good in the highest degree in the most authoritative of all, which is
the political faculty, and the good in the political field, that is, the general
advantage, is justice, it is therefore thought by all men that justice is some
sort of equality, and up to a certain point at all events they agree with the
philosophical discourses in which
conclusions have been reached about questions of ethics
6; for justice is a quality of a thing in relation
to persons,
7 and they hold that for persons that are
equal the thing must be equal. But equality in what characteristics does this
mean, and inequality in what? This must be made clear, since this too raises a
difficulty, and calls for political philosophy. For perhaps someone might say that the offices of state
ought to be distributed unequally according to superiority in every good
quality, even if the candidates in all other respects did not differ at all but
were exactly alike, because men that are different
8 have different
rights and merits. Yet if this is true, those who are superior in complexion or
stature or any good quality will have an advantage in respect of political
rights. But surely the error here is obvious, and it comes out clearly if we
consider the other sciences and faculties. Among flute-players equally good at
their art it is not proper to give an advantage in respect of the flutes to
those of better birth, for they will not play any better, but it is the superior
performers who ought to be given the superior instruments. And if our meaning is not yet plain, it will become
still clearer when we have carried the matter further. Suppose someone is
superior in playing the flute but much inferior in birth or in good looks, then,
even granting that each of these things—birth and beauty—is
a greater good than ability to play the flute, and even though they surpass
flute-playing proportionately more than the best flute-player surpasses the
others in flute-playing, even so the best flute-player ought to be given the
outstandingly good flutes;