When I had written thus, and given the letter to be carried by the
soldier, I sent along with him thirty of the Galileans of the best characters,
and gave them instructions to salute those ambassadors, but to say nothing
else to them. I also gave orders to as many of those armed men, whom I
esteemed most faithful to me, to go along with the others, every one with
him whom he was to guard, lest some conversation might pass between those
whom I sent and those who were with Jonathan. So those men went [to Jonathan].
But when Jonathan and his partners had failed in this their first attempt,
they sent me another letter, the contents whereof were as follows: "Jonathan,
and those with him, to Josephus, send greeting. We require thee to come
to us to the village Gabaroth, on the third day, without any armed men,
that we may hear what thou hast to lay to the charge of John [of Gischala]."
When they had written this letter, they saluted the Galileans whom I sent,
and came to Japha, which was the largest village of all Galilee, and encompassed
with very strong walls, and had a great number of inhabitants in it. There
the multitude of men, with their wives and children, met them, and exclaimed
loudly against them; and desired them to be gone, and not to envy them
the advantage of an excellent commander. With these clamors Jonathan and
his partners were greatly provoked, although they durst not show their
anger openly; so they made them no answer, but went to other villages.
But still the same clamors met them from all the people, who said, "Nobody
should persuade them to have any other commander besides Josephus."
So Jonathan and his partners went away from them without success, and came
to Sepphoris, the greatest city of all Galilee. Now the men of that city,
who inclined to the Romans in their sentiments, met them indeed, but neither
praised nor reproached me and when they were gone down from Sepphoris to
Asochis, the people of that place made a clamor against them, as those
of Japha had done; whereupon they were able to contain themselves no longer,
but ordered the armed men that were with them to beat those that made the
clamor with their clubs. And when they came to Gabara, John met them with
three thousand armed men; but, as I understood by their letter that they
had resolved to fight against me, I arose from Chabolo, with three thousand
armed men also; but left in my camp one of my fastest friends, and came
to Jotapata, as desirous to be near them, the distance being no more than
forty furlongs. Whence I wrote thus to them: "If you are very desirous
that I should come to you, you know there are two hundred and forty cities
and villages in Galilee; I will come to any of them which you please, excepting
Gaburn and Gischala; the one of which is John's native city, and the other
in confederacy and friendship with him."
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