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[986e] for we shall never be found to have spoken falsely. Thus far, at least, I asseverate with certainty: I say, once more, that there are eight of them, and that while three1 of the eight have been told, five yet remain. The fourth2 in motion and transit together, and the fifth,3 are almost equal to the sun in speed, and on the whole are neither slower nor swifter. These being three, must be so regarded by him who has sufficient mind. So let us speak of them as powers of the sun and of Lucifer, and of a third,4 such that we cannot express it in a name because it is not known; and he is to blame for this who first beheld these things, since he was a foreigner: for it was an ancient custom that nurtured those who first

1 i.e. sun, moon, and fixed stars.

2 Venus(or Lucifer); cf. Plato, Tim. 38 D.

3 Mercury.

4 Mercury.

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