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1 "Galaxy stone." Ajasson thinks that this may possibly have been an Opal, or a dead white Topaz, traversed by lines of other colours.
2 "Milk stone."
3 Probably milk-white Quartz, Ajasson thinks.
4 "White earth."
5 "White-streaked stone."
6 "Clouded."
7 See Chapter 54 of this Book.
8 An Eastern name, probably.
9 A Geodes or Aëtites, probably. See B. xxxvi. c. 39, and Chapter 56 of this Book, Note 92.
10 "Tongue of stone."
11 Divination from the appearance of the moon.
12 "Gorgon stone," The head of the Gorgon Medusa was fabled to turn those into stone who looked upon it.
13 See B. xxxii. c. 11.
14 This reading is very doubtful.
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- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page
- Lewis & Short, ălĭus
- Lewis & Short, antĭpăthīa
- Lewis & Short, contemptrix
- Lewis & Short, sympăthīa
- Lewis & Short, vĭŏlentus