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From, prepos. 1) Denoting emission, by indicating the origin, source or starting-point of a thing or action: “I commend me f. our house in grief,” Lucr. 1308 ("The usual formula at the conclusion of letters was from the house of the writer." Dyce); cf. Ado I, 1, 283. “f. fairest creatures we desire increase,” Sonn. I, 1. “a fortitude f. heaven,” Tp. I, 2, 154; cf. “music f. the spheres,” Tw. III, 1, 121. “he furnished me f. mine own library with volumes,” Tp. I, 2, 167. “to fetch dew f. the Bermoothes,” Tp. I, 2, 167 “brushed dew f. unwholesome fen,” Tp. I, 2, 167 “this is unwonted which now came f. him,” Tp. I, 2, 167 “she that f. Naples can have no note,” II, 1, 247. “infections that the sun sucks up f. bogs,” II, 2, 2. “dropped f. heaven,” II, 2, 2 “no woman's face remember, save f. my glass mine own,” III, 1, 50. “they expect it f. me,” IV, 42. “receiving them f. such a worthless post,” Gentl. I, 1, 161. “f. our infancy we have conversed,” II, 4, 62; cf. R3 IV, 3, 19. “to cram a maw f. such a filthy vice,” Meas. III, 2, 24 (== by means of). “many a knight f. tawny Spain,” LLL I, 1, 174. “a sweet look f. Demetrius' eye,” Mids. II, 2, 127. “the greater throw may turn by fortune f. the weaker hand,” Merch. II, 1, 34. “f. hour to hour we ripe,” As II, 7, 26; cf. “heir f. heir shall hold this quarrel up,” H4B IV, 2, 48 (quite == heir by heir). “I am f. humble, he f. honoured name,” All's I, 3, 162. “this calf bred f. his cow,” John I, 124. “to draw my answer f. thy articles,” II, 111. “holds f. all soldiers chief majority,” H4A III, 2, 109 (== by the consent of). “nor ever had one penny bribe f. France,” H6B III, 1, 109. “proceed no straiter 'gainst our uncle Gloster than f. true evidence he be approved culpable,” III, 2, 21. “I speak f. certainties,” Cor. I, 2, 31. “add more, f. thine invention, offers,” Ant. III, 12, 29. “f. every one the best she hath,” Cymb. III, 5, 73. cf. Compl. 68. Tp. I, 1, 30. Meas. III, 1, 1. Mids. I, 1, 244 etc. etc. “the setting of thine eye proclaims a matter f. thee,” Tp. II, 1, 230. “couldst thou perceive so much f. her?” Gentl. I, 1, 142 (quibbling). “upon agreement f. us to his liking,” Shr. I, 2, 183 (== proceeding from us; on our side). “make thee a fortune f. me,” Ant. II, 5, 49. “civility not seen f. other,” Cymb. IV, 2, 179 (German: abgesehen). “how f. the finny subject of the sea these fishers tell the infirmities of men,” Per. II, 1, 52 (applying to men truths perceived by, and taken from, the observation of fishes). “your highness claiming f. the female,” H5 I, 2, 92; cf. “Henry doth claim the crown f. John of Gaunt,” H6B II, 2, 54 (as the heir of Gaunt). “this was sent me f. a nun,” Compl. 232; cf. Gentl. I, 2, 38. I, 3, 53. LLL IV, 2, 94. V, 2, 47. H5 I, 2, 221. H6A IV, 1, 49. H6B III, 2, 277. H6C II, 1, 146. III, 3, 164. “let me hear f. thee,” Gentl. I, 1, 57. II, 4, 103. Merch. V, 35. H6B III, 2, 405. Hml. I, 3, 4. “tell him f. me,” Gentl. IV, 4, 123. H6B IV, 10, 78. “as I was commanded f. you,” All's II, 5, 59. “I do it f. Lord Angelo by special charge,” Meas. I, 2, 123. “a certainty vouched f. our cousin Austria,” All's I, 2, 5. “I have this present evening f. my sister been well informed of them,” Lr. II, 1, 103 (== by a letter of my sister). “of that I shall have also cause to speak, and f. his mouth whose voice will draw on more,” Hml. V, 2, 403. “I had other things to have spoken with her too f. him,” Wiv. IV, 5, 42 (== by his order, in his name). “I come to speak with Paris f. the prince Troilus,” Troil. III, 1, 41. “thus once again says Nestor f. the Greeks,” II, 2, 2. “he bade me f. him call thee thane f. of Cawdor,” Mcb. I, 3, 105. “her gentle spirit commits itself to yours to be directed, as f. her lord,” Merch. III, 2, 167. “a pension of thousands to be paid f. the Sophy,” Tw. II, 5, 196. “an arrow shot f. a well-experienced archer,” Per. I, 1, 164 (quite == by). “I do desire thee, even f. a heart full of sorrows,” Gentl. IV, 3, 32. Rom. III, 5, 228. “speak it f. your souls,” H6B III, 1, 247. R3 I, 4, 243. IV, 1, 89. IV, 4, 255. H8 II, 4, 81. Rom. III, 5, 228. “f. bitterness of soul,” R3 I, 3, 179. “you only speak f. your distracted soul,” Tim. III, 4, 115. “speaks not f. her faith, but f. her need,” John III, 1, 210. “but nothing spake in warrant f. himself,” R3 III, 7, 33.
2) Denoting departure, separation and privation: “his rider loved not speed, being made f. thee,” Sonn. 50, 8. “we came f. thence,” Tp. I, 2, 60. “Sycorax f. Argier was banished,” Tp. I, 2, 60 “come f. thy ward,” Tp. I, 2, 60 “banished f. your eye,” II, 1, 126. “why thou departedst f. thy native home,” Err. I, 1, 30. “ran f. you,” IV, 4, 152 (cf. Run). “fled f. me,” H4B II, 4, 248 (cf. Flee). “away f. me,” H6B I, 2, 50. “until his army be dismissed f. him,” IV, 9, 40. “we will not f. the helm,” H6C V, 4, 21; cf. “Signior Iachimo will not f. it,” Cymb. I, 4, 184 (== will stand by it, will persevere) etc. “pluck my garment f. me,” Tp. I, 2, 24. “justled f. your senses,” V, 158. “divided f. them,” V, 158 “weed her love f. Valentine,” Gentl. III, 2, 49. “unwind her love f. him,” Gentl. III, 2, 49 “set thee f. durance,” LLL III, 129. “grow f. the king's acquaintance,” H8 III, 1, 161 etc. “that rich jewel he should keep unknown f. thievish ears,” Lucr. 35; cf. John I, 124 (see Keep). “that to my use it might unused stay f. hands of falsehood,” Sonn. 48, 4. “to give them f. me,” 122, 11; cf. Lr. I, 1, 128. “to win it f. me,” Tp. I, 2, 456. “f. me he got it,” III, 2, 61 (cf. Take). “suck the soil's fertility f. wholesome flowers,” R2 III, 4, 39 (so as to make wholesome flowers perish). “if aught possess thee f. me, it is dross,” Err. II, 2, 179 (== and dispossess me). to smother up “his beauty f. the world,” H4A I, 2, 223. “their titles usurped f. you,” H5 I, 2, 95. “so great an honour as one man more would share f. me,” IV, 3, 32 (i. e. depriving me of it). “shakes all our buds f. growing,” Cymb. I, 3, 37 (cf. Command, Hide, Hinder and Prevent). “void and empty f. any dram of mercy,” Merch. IV, 1, 6. “which robs my tongue f. breathing native breath,” R2 I, 3, 173. Similarly: “we must starve our sight f. lovers' food,” Mids. I, 1, 223. “the maid is mine f. all the world,” Shr. II, 386. “who in that sale sells pardon f. himself,” John III, 1, 167 (forfeits his own salvation). “giving full trophy . . . quite f. himself to God,” H5 V Chor. H5 V Chor. It is the same use after the words of deliverance and protection: “weakly fortressed f. a world of harms,” Lucr. 28. “canopy the herd f. heat,” Sonn. 12, 6. “fortified her visage f. the sun,” Compl. 9. “f. what a torment I did free thee,” Tp. I, 2, 251. II, 1, 293. release me f. my bands, Epil. II, 1, 293 “as you f. crimes would pardoned be,” II, 1, 293 cf. Guard and Save.
3) Denoting election, == among: “humbly entreating from your royal thoughts a modest one,” All's II, 1, 130. “why have you that charitable title from thousands?” Tim. I, 2, 94.
4) Denoting the cause of an effect, == in consequence of, on account of: “how are they wrapped in with infamies that f. their own misdeeds askance their eyes,” Lucr. 637. “f. whom we all were sea-swallowed,” Tp. II, 1, 250. “he would give't thee, f. this rank offence, so to offend him still,” Meas. III, 1, 100. “called so f. his grandfather,” Shr. III, 1, 53. “whom f. the flow of gall I name not but f. sincere motions,” H8 I, 1, 152. “heaven, f. thy endless goodness, send prosperous life,” V, 5, 1. “f. broad words Macduff lives in disgrace,” Mcb. III, 6, 21. f. her (his soul's) “working all his visage wanned,” Hml. II, 2, 580. “f. what cause,” III, 1, 6. “f. whom we do exist and cease to be,” Lr. I, 1, 114. “he wears the rose of youth upon him, f. which the world should note something particular,” Ant. III, 13, 21. “your highness shall f. this practice but make hard your heart,” Cymb. I, 5, 24. “goodly and gallant shall be false and perjured f. thy great fail,” III, 4, 66.
5) Denoting distance, == away from, far from: “both f. me, both to each friend,” Sonn. 144, 11. “which is f. my remembrance,” Tp. I, 2, 65. “so far f. Italy,” II, 1, 110. “f. whom my absence was not six months old,” Err. I, 1, 45. “feeds f. home,” II, 1, 101. “f. our free person she should be confined,” Wint. II, 1, 194. “he is seldom f. the house of a most homely shepherd,” IV, 2, 43. “I am best pleased to be f. such a deed,” John IV, 1, 86. “powers f. home,” IV, 3, 151 (== foreign powers). “stand f. him,” H4B II, 1, 74 and IV, 4, 116; cf. Caes. III, 2, 169. “where, f. company, I may revolve my grief,” H6A V, 5, 100. “f. thy sight, I should be raging mad,” H6B III, 2, 394. “f. thee to die,” H6B III, 2, 394 “he lived f. all attainder of suspect,” R3 III, 5, 32; cf. II, 1, 94. “live with Richmond, f. the reach of hell,” IV, 1, 43. “thou shalt build f. men,” Tim. IV, 3, 533. “it must be done tonight, and something f. the palace,” Mcb. III, 1, 132. f. thence (viz home) “the sauce to meat is ceremony,” III, 4, 36. “what make you f. Wittenberg?” Hml. I, 2, 164. “to answer f. our home,” Lr. II, 1, 126.
6) Denoting change, by indicating a form left for another: “as a form of wax resolveth f. his figure 'gainst the fire,” John V, 4, 25. “our scene is altered f. a serious thing,” R2 V, 3, 79. “exposed myself, from certain and possessed conveniences, to doubtful fortunes,” Troil. III, 3, 7. “the icicle that's curdied by the frost f. purest snow,” Cor. V, 3, 66.
7) Expressing difference and discrepancy, == otherwise than, differently from: “so f. himself impiety hath wrought,” Lucr. 341. “at random f. the truth vainly expressed,” Sonn. 147, 12. “to be so odd and f. all fashions,” Ado III, 1, 72. you can wish none (joy) “f. me,” Merch. III, 2, 193. “this is f. my commission,” Tw. I, 5, 201. “write f. it, if you can,” V, 340 (== otherwise, differently). “hold a wing quite f. the flight of all thy ancestors,” H4A III, 2, 31. “quite f. the answer of his degree,” H5 IV, 7, 142. “so f. thy soul's love didst thou love her brothers,” R3 IV, 4, 259 (quibbling) “and will be led at your request a little from himself,” Troil. II, 3, 191. “'twas f. the canon,” Cor. III, 1, 90. “of him that, his particular to foresee, smells f. the common weal,” Tim. IV, 3, 160. “clean f. the purpose,” Caes. I, 3, 35. “beasts f. quality and kind,” Caes. I, 3, 35 Caes. I, 3, 35 I, 2, 314. “quite f. the main opinion he held once,” II, 1, 196. “whereby he does receive particular addition, f. the bill that writes them all alike,” Mcb. III, 1, 100. “any thing so overdone is f. the purpose of playing,” Hml. III, 2, 22. “that f. the sense of all civility I thus would trifle,” Oth. I, 1, 132. “this is f. the present,” Ant. II, 6, 30 (== not now the question). “words him a great deal f. the matter,” Cymb. I, 4, 17. “so f. sense in hardness,” V, 5, 431.
8) Used for of by Fluellen: “I must speak with him f. the pridge,” H5 III, 6, 91.
Preceding adverbs and other prepositions: “sacred f. above,” H6A I, 2, 114. “she culled it f. among the rest,” Tit. IV, 1, 44. “come f. behind,” H6A I, 2, 66. “threw me off f. behind one of them,” Wiv. IV, 5, 69. “f. below your duke to beneath your constable,” All's II, 2, 32. “f. below their heads,” Tim. IV, 3, 32. “f. forth a sawpit,” Wiv. IV, 4, 53. All's II, 1, 199 etc. (cf. Forth). “f. off a hill,” Compl. 1. “f. off the head of this Athenian,” Mids. IV, 1, 70. Merch. IV, 1, 139. Merch. IV, 1, 139 All's IV, 3, 191. John I, 145. II, 325. R2 III, 1, 6. III, 2, 45. IV, 204. H5 IV, 3, 87. H6A II, 4, 30. H6C II, 6, 52. Cor. III, 3, 103. Rom. IV, 1, 78. Cymb. III, 1, 26. f. out == out of: Merch. III, 4, 21. John V, 2, 136. R2 III, 3, 64. IV, 206. R3 I, 4, 186. “f. under ground,” H6B II, 1, 174. “f. under this terrestrial ball,” R2 III, 2, 41.
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