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AD SILANUM Lozère, France.

A statio in the commune of Nasbinals, mentioned in the Peutinger Table. Situated in the great forest on the river Aubrac, it is 18 Gallic leagues from Anderitum and 24 from Segodunum. Most scholars identify Ad Silanum with the statio near the village of Puech Cremat, where the Agrippan road from Lyon to Toulouse crosses the Fontanilles. The site forms a regular rectangle with the ancient road running through it; substructures can be noted on both sides inside the rectangle. Occupation seems to have lasted from the 1st c. B.C. to the 5th c. A.D., with an apparent hiatus in the 3d c. Coins are most plentiful in the 1st and 2d c.

Among the objects found are a white-slip bowl with painted decoration, and terra sigillata from La Graufesenque and Banassac. The bronze and iron articles are badly damaged.


Bull. soc. Lozère (1866) 227ff; (1867) 105-45; (1968) 85ff, 141ff; Prunières, “Notes sur quelques découvertes archéologiques faites dans les montagnes d'Aubrac,” Revue d'Archéologie du Midi (1869-70); Journal de l'Aveyron, 23 Sept. 1928; M. Balmelle, Répertoire archéologique du Département de la Lozère (1937); Albengue, Les Ruthénes (1948).


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