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AQUAE SEGETAE (Sceaux du Gâtinais) Loire, France.

Mentioned in the Peutinger Table as Aquae Segestae. A thermal center on the road from Agedincum (Sens) to Orléans, 82 leagues from Agedincum and 22 leagues from Fines (Ingrannes). The well-preserved section of the road in this area is known as Le Chemin de César. The name Sceaux comes from Segeta, a goddess of the springs worshiped both at Saint Galmier in the Vosges and at Moind in Le Forez.

Much digging has been done on the site since 1836, and important ruins have been located at Le Préau, E of the modern village. These consist, first, of a long rectangular building (400 x 75 m) oriented NW-SE, with a pool at either end. The N pool terminates in an apse. The S corner, which includes several rooms around a basin to the N, is now being cleared. The architecture is carefully executed, and fragments of marble from different regions have been found. The building apparently goes back to the Flavian era, and underwent changes and embellishments in the 2d c. This is undoubtedly the Sanctuary of Segeta, with its healing pools fed by a ferruginous spring (now dried up) and probably also by an aqueduct, traces of which have been located for a distance of 30 km.

A theater 104 m in diameter lies NW of the spa buildings; its cavea is built on embankments supported by walls, and the orchestra is semi-elliptical. Traces of several other monuments have been located, and a great number of finds have come from the ruins, in particular, hoards of coins and silver plate. The city also had necropoleis. A very large, rich Merovingian cemetery in the area known as Le Mérie is being excavated, and a second has been located.


A. Grenier, Manuel d' archéologie gallo-romaine III, 2 (1958) Ludi, 874-76; Abbé Nouel, Origines gallo-romaines du Sud du Bassin Parisien, 22-23; Gallia 26, 2 (1968) 325-27; Mémoires inédits de M. Roncin et de

Mlle. Matthieu. G. C. PICARD

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