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AUGERS-EN-BRIE Dept. Seine-et-Marne, France.

Situated in the arrondissement of Provins, in the canton of Vihliers-Saint Georges, it marks the site of a Gallo-Roman village that was inhabited to the 3d c. It was located on the outskirts of the civitas Meldorum and the civitas Senonorum. Many objects from the 2d and 3d c. have been found there. Since 1960 underground Gallo-Roman huts, cut out of the bess or built of stone, have been unearthed. This type of dwelling therefore seems to cover the whole of the period of the Early Empire, and it also turns up later in the same area: in 1964 two sunken houses that were inhabited in the mid 4th c. were discovered near the village of Neufmontiers-les-Meaux (Seine-et-Marne).


M. Fleury, “Informations arch.,” Gallia (1965, 1967).


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