Canton of Lunas, Hérault, France.
Gallo-Roman Lascours settlement, in a mountainous region particularly rich in mines (silver-bearing lead).
This is indicated by Strabo (
4.2.2), who boasts of the
silver resources of the Cévennes, and of the territories
of the Gabali, and the Ruteni. The abundant finds to
date (amphorne, various ceramics, coins, fibulas, lead
tesserne) show that the site was occupied from the beginning of Roman colonization (end of the 2d c. B.C.) to the middle of the 1st c. A.D.
Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, fasc. X, Hérault (1946) 24, no. 77; “Informations,”
Gallia 27 (1969) 392; 29 (1971) 380.