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PARAVOLA (“Bukation”) Aitolia, Greece.

The most important modern village between Agrinion and Thermon, N of Lake Trichonis, and the site of a large Hellenistic fortress. It has been identified with Phistyon and Bukation, both of which are located in the region by inscriptions. The site is an isolated hill sloping down on the S side to the plain which it commands. The city wall included a sizable area of the lower ground, and appears to represent several building periods; the latest parts, such as the round towers, are comparable to the E wall at Thermon, dated to the 2d c. B.C.


J. Woodhouse, Aetolia (1897); F. Noack in Arch. Anz. (JdI) 31 (1916) 231I; E. Kirsten in RE 20 (1941) 1297; A. Philippson-Kirsten, GL (1950-59) II 335, 339.


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