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PETIT-BERSAC Dept. Dordogne, France.

A large Gallo-Roman area (4 ha), investigated since 1965. Among the construction uncovered in a stretch of 170 m were 12 rooms, one of them a fine chamber 7 x 18 m. In the E part of the site, an aqueduct built of small cut-stone masonry (0.66 m wide; height of the arch at the intrados, 1.55 m) was studied for a length of 20 m. It was covered by 4 rooms, one of them over a hypocaust on small piles. Remains of a villa of the Imperial period, razed in the 3d c. and partially reconstructed in the late Empire and in the Merovingian period, was also uncovered.


J. Coupry, “Informations arch.,” Gallia 27.2 (1969), 361ffI; 25.2 (1967) 353.


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