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SKELANI Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia.

A settlement on the river Drina which may have been the urban center for the region surrounding the Drina. Various monuments of Roman provenance were discovered. Inscriptions here indicate that the settlement was organized to be self-governing. Altars, dedicated to Jupiter, Minerva, and Juno, were built by the beneficiarii of the Legio I Ad(iutrix), Legio X G(emina), Legio XI Cl(audia) p(ia) f(idelis). There are also altars dedicated to Silvanus and Martius, and one dedicated to Aesculapius and Hygieia. Some tombstones with busts of the dead have been excavated. The inscription “Dind(ariorum)” points to the presence of the Dindari, an Illyrian tribe.

Soldiers and beneficiarii of Legio V Macedon(ica) and Legio I Ital(ica) Moes(iae) inf(erioris) were quartered here. Remains of an Early Christian church (4th to 6th c.) have been found.


C. Patsch, WMBH 11 (1909) 140-77; D. Sergejevski, GZM Sarajevo 42 (1930) 2, 164. D. Sergejevski, Spomenik srpske akademije nauka 88 (1938) 112; Spomenik SAN 93 (1940) 146-48; GZM Sarajevo, NS 6 (1951) 307-8; J. J. Wilkes, Dalmatia (1969).


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