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SUMELOCENNA (Rottenburg am Neckar) Baden-Württemburg, Germany.

A Roman settlement midway on the Neckar, ca. 50 km SE of Stuttgart. Its name is found in the Peutinger Table (4.1) and mentioned in many inscriptions (CIL XIII, 2506, 6358, 6365, 6384, 9084, 11726, 11727). As its name suggests, the Roman settlement superseded a Celtic one. From 85 to 90, it was part of the Roman Empire and the seat of a procurator of the saltus Sumelocennensis. Later, it became capital of the civitas Sumelocennensis. A city wall over 2 km long survives and the ruins of various buildings, among them a bath currently accessible under the modern gymnasium. The town was provided with water by a stone-built aqueduct 7 km long, of which numerous traces may still be seen. The finds are preserved at the Württemburg Landesmuseum in Stuttgart and at the Sülchgau-Museum in Rottenburg am Neckar.


F. Haug & G. Sixt, Die römischen Inschriften und Bildwerke Württembergs (2d ed. 1914) 199ff; O. Paret, ORL B, 61 (1936); D. Planck, “Neues zur römischen Vicusmauer in Rottenburg a.N.,” Der Sülchgau 11 (1967) 9ff.


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