(“Briginn . . .”) Serre de Brienne, canton
of Vézenobres, Gard, France.
Large and important sanctuary-oppidum of the Volcae Arecomici
situated along the Gardon between Nîmes and Alès on
an isolated hill rising from the plain. The site has never
been systematically explored, but limited soundings and
emergency excavations have uncovered architectural remains and numerous pre-Roman and Roman artifacts
(fragments from buildings, statues, votive and funerary
inscriptions, ceramics), and a quantity of Gallic, Massahan, and Roman coins, which testify to its cultural and
commercial importance.
The site can perhaps be identified with the locality
Briginn (. . .) which is mentioned in the Nîmes geographical inscription (
CIL XII, 3362). The artifacts from
the oppidum are preserved at the museums at Nîmes
and Alès, and in a local archaeological collection.
Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, fasc. VIII, Gard (1941) 189-90, no. 297; “Informations,”
Gallia 20 (1962) 630; 24 (1966) 474; 29 (1971) 390.