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LANCIA (Mansilla de las Mulas) Leén, Spain.

Asturian town on the Esla 20 km S-SE of Leén. It was on the highway from Caesaraugusta to the Septima Legio (Ant.It. 395.4), and the last stronghold of the Astures in Augustus' campaign. Captured by T. Carisius, as recorded by Florus (2.33), Dio Cassius (53.25.8), and Orosius (6.21.10). According to Ptolemy (2.6.28) it was inhabited by the Lankiatoi. Little excavation has been done, but a small bath has been found.


RE XII: 1, 620; J. Jordá & E. García Dominguez, Excavaciones en Lancia (1961); F. Jordá, Exc. Arq. en España 1 (1962).


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