ξυνναίοιμ̓: cp. O.T. 1205 “τίς ἄταις..τίς ἐν πόνοις” | “ξύνοικος”: Plat. Rep. 587C “ἡδοναῖς ξυνοικεῖ”: conversely, O.C. 1134 “κηλὶς κακῶν ξύνοικος”: Ph. 1168“ἄχθος ὃ ξυνοικει_.” εὔκηλος: the only instance of this Homeric form in Tragedy (for in Eur. I.A. 644Blomfield restored “ἕκηλον”). The stem of “ἕκηλος” being “ϝεκ, εὔκηλος” is perh. for “ἐϝέκηλος, ἔϝκηλος” (Curt. Etym. § 19). γονέων | ἐκτίμους, not paying honour to parents: the gen. as with adjectives compounded with “α” privative (36). For this negative sense of “ἐκ” in composition, cp. “ἔκδικος, ἐξαίσιος, ἔξωρος.” ἐκτίμους ἵσχουσα, restraining so that they shall not honour: for the proleptic adj., cp. Aesch. Pers. 298“ἄνανδρον τάξιν ἠρήμου θανών.” πτέρυγας … γόων, as Pind. I. 1. 64“πτερύγεσσιν ἀερθέντ᾽ ἀγλααῖς” | “Πιερίδων”: cp. Eur. Andr. 93(“γόους”) “πρὸς αἰθέρ᾽ ἐκτενοῦμεν.” ὀξυτόνων, as Ai. 630“ὀξυτόνους...ᾠδὰς” | “θρηνήσει”: ib. 321 “ὀξέων κωκυμάτων”.
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