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on the Quirinal, south-east of the Palazzo Barberini, where its ruins were found (CIL vi. 1675 =31902; 31940; LF 16; BC 1884, 43; RhM 1894, 387). Alfenius was a prominent member of the anti-Christian party in the fourth century, and was accused of practising magic in 368 (Amm. Marc. xxviii. I. 27). It must have been his grandfather who was praefectus urbi in 333 A.D., ten years before his birth (Chron. Min. i. 68). He died in 385, and was buried near Fogliano, on the coast between Astura and Monte Circeo (Bull. d. Inst. 1884, 56-79; EE viii. 648, 650; cf. 899; Mel. 1905, 203-205).

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