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the tomb of C. Pansa, consul in 43 B.C., in the campus Martius (Liv. Epit. 119; Veil. ii. 62). In 1899 a travertine block with a dedicatory inscription to Pansa was found at the corner of the Corso Vittorio Emanuele and the Vicolo Savelli (NS 1899, 435; BC 1899, 280-285 1), and another sepulchral inscription of a Pansa, probably the grandson of the consul of 43, is reported to have been found about 400 metres from this point (CIL vi. 3542). The tomb, therefore, was probably somewhere north of the theatre of Pompeius (Mitt. 1903, 52; HJ 496).

1 =CIL vi. 34048.

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