I.furnished with a hook, hooked.
B. Transf., shaped like a hook, hooked, crooked: hamatis uncinatisque corporibus concreta haec esse dicat, * Cic. Ac. 2, 38, 121: “ensis, i. q. harpe,” Ov. M. 5, 80 (cf.: “ferrum curvo tenus abdidit hamo,” id. ib. 4, 720).—
II. Trop.: “hos ego viscatis hamatisque muneribus non sua promere puto, sed aliena corripere,” i. e. catching, alluring, Plin. Ep. 9, 30, 2 (cf. with hamus, id. Pan. 43 fin.; Mart. 6, 63, 5; v. hamus, I. B. 1. b.).