prop., to the proper limit, to full measure; hence, with numerals, full, quite, at least, no less than: noctu turres admodum CXX excitantur, full, Cs.: equites, mille admodum, a round thousand, Cu.; no more than, just, only (late), Cu.—Of degree, fully, highly, completely, entirely, altogether, very: admodum antiqui: admodum amplum et excelsum: neque hi admodum sunt multi, N.: admodum pauci: natio admodum dedita religionibus, Cs.—Esp., with words expressing time of life, as puer, adulescens, iuvenis, senex, etc.: admodum tum adulescens, then a mere youth: non admodum grandis natu: puer admodum, L. —With negatives, just, at all, whatever: litterarum admodum nihil scire: equestris pugna nulla admodum fuit, L.—With advv.: raro admodum exclamant.—With verbs: admodum mirabar quam ob rem, etc.: alqm admodum diligere; delectare. — As an emphatic affirmative, yes, certainly, of course: advenis modo? Pa. admodum, T.
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