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ad-sum (assum) adfuī

(aff-), adesse (adsiet for adsit, T.; adfore for adfutūrum esse), to be at, be present, be at hand: quia ades praesens, T.: vos, qui adsunt: coram, V.: ad portam: ante oculos, V.: portis, V.: ducibus, i. e. accompany, O.— To be at hand, stand by, assist, support, aid, help: amicos, ad hanc rem qui adsient, T.: omnes quos videtis adesse: dux suis aderat, Cs.: flentibus adsunt Humani voltūs, show sympathy with, H.: adsis, o Tegeaee, favens, be near, V.: (testes) adsunt cum adversariis: promissi testis adesto, O. — Hence, to come, appear: iam hic adero, am coming immediately, T.: huc ades, V.: cum hostes adessent, L.—In law: ad iudicium, to come into court: edixit ut adesset senatus frequens, convene: adesse in Capitolio iussit (i. e. senatum). — Fig., to be present, be at hand: proeli tempus, S.: aderat iudicio dies, L.: cum iam partus adesset, O.: quod adest Componere, existing circumstances, H.: ut securitas adsit: hominum quīs pudor paulum adest, T.: vim adfore verbo Crediderat, V.: quantus adest viris Sudor, H.: adesse animo, to be present in mind, give attention: adeste animis, be of good courage.

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