angustus adj. with comp. and sup.
ANG-, narrow, strait, contracted: iter, S.: fines, Cs.: rima, H.: mare, a strait: angustissima portus, Cs.— Fig., short, brief: dies, O.: spiritus, breathing.— Needy, pinching, stinting: pauperies, H.: res, poverty, Iu.: cum fides totā Italiā esset angustior, shaken, Cs.—Critical, difficult: rebus angustis animosus, H.—Of character, narrow, base, little, petty: animus: defensio angustior, less honorable. — Of thought or argument, narrow, trifling, subtle, hairsplitting: concertationes: interrogatiunculae.—Of style, brief, succinct: oratio: quae angustiora parietes faciunt, i. e. less discursive than in the forum.