ad + tollo, to lift up, raise up, raise, elevate: natum, O.: pallium (i. e. accingere), T.: fracto crure planum, H.: amicum ab humo, V.: oculos humo, O.: oculos contra, i. e. look in the face, O.: mare ventis, Ta.: ad lumina lumen, O.: manūs ad caelum, L.: attolitur unda, V.: capita caelo (of trees), V.: in aegrum se femur, to rise upon, V.: se in auras, O.: fluvio se, out of the river, V.: ex strage se, L.: se ab casu, L.: in caelum attolli, to rise, Ta.: attollit se Lacinia, comes into view, V.—Of buildings, to erect, raise: arcemque attollere tectis, by means of (high) roofs, V.—To raise, lift up, elevate, exalt: animos. V.: vires in milite, Pr.: ad consulatūs spem animos, L.: alqm praemiis, Ta.: iras, to rise in anger (of a serpent), V.: privati hominis nomen supra principis, Ta.: alcuius progeniem super cunctos, Ta.
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