dexter, sc. manus,
the right hand
: Cedo dextram, T.: eius dextram, prendit, Cs.: per dexteram te
istam oro: dexterae, quae fidei testes esse solebant: fidem dextrā
dare, N.: si Pergama dextrā Defendi
possent, i. e.
by valor
, V.: ut suā urbs periret
dexterā, i. e.
by civil war
, H.: rubens, H.—
The right side
: hinc ab dexterā Venire, T.:
erat ab dextrā rupes aspera, S.:
dextrā sinistrā omnibus occisis,
on every side
, S.: dextrā
laevāque, O.: concede ad
dexteram, T.—
The hand
: omne sacrum rapiente dextrā,
a pledge of friendship
: quae (Graecia) tendit dexteram Italiae.
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