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(exīt, V.; exīsse, C.), itus, īre, to go out, go forth, go away, depart, withdraw, retire : ex oppido, Cs.: e patriā: ab Thaide, from the house of, T.: ad me, i. e. to visit me, T.: ab urbe, L.: domo eius: in provinciam, Cs.: in terram: Exit ad caelum Arbos, rises, V.: colles exire videntur, O.: de vitā: e vitā tamquam e theatro: limen, pass, T.: Avernas vallīs, O.—Of lots, to fall out, be drawn: cum de consularibus mea prima sors exisset.—To march out: de tertiā vigiliā, Cs.: ad pugnam, V.: ex Italiā ad bellum civile: praedatum in agros, L.: non posse clam exiri, Cs.—To flow, gush, pour forth: exire cruorem Passa, O.: saxo exit ab imo Rivus, O.—Fig., to go out, escape, be freed: ex potestate, i. e. to lose self-possession: de consilio, de mente: aere alieno: modum, to exceed, O.—In time, to run out, end, expire: quinto anno exeunte: indutiarum dies exierat, L. — To pass away, perish: memoriā, L. — To go forth, issue, turn out, result: currente rotā cur urceus exit? H.—To go out, become public: libri ita exierunt: fama exiit, N. — To go out of the way of, avoid, evade, ward off: tela oculis, V.: vim viribus, to repel force with force, V.

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