ex-sistō or existō stitī, —, ere,
to step out, come forth, emerge, appear: e latebris, L.: ab inferis: (bovis) a
mediā fronte cornu exsistit, Cs.: nympha
gurgite medio, O.: occultum malum exsistit,
comes to light. — To spring, proceed, arise, become, be produced, turn into:
dentes naturā exsistere: ex luxuriā exsistat
avaritia: ex amicis inimici exsistunt, Cs.: pater
exstitit (Caesar) huius, O.: exsistit hoc loco quaestio
subdifficilis: exsistit illud, ut, etc., follows. — To be
visible, be manifest, exist, be: sic in animis exsistunt
varietates: si exstitisset in rege fides: nisi Ilias illa exstitisset: tanto in me amore
exstitit: timeo, ne in eum exsistam crudelior.