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ferrum ī, n

iron, C., Cs., H.—Poet.: gerere ferrum in pectore, i. e. cruelty, O.: durior ferro, O.: de duro est ultima (aetas) ferro, O.: ferro duravit saecula, H.—An iron, tool of iron, iron implement: ferro proscindere campum, ploughshare, O.: ferro scindimus aequor, V.: ferro mitiget agrum, axe, H.: Petita ferro belua, dart, H.: aduncum, arrow-head, O.: hastae brevi ferro, head, Ta.: Dextra tenet ferrum, stylus, O.: longos ferro resecare capillos, shears, O.: foedare crinīs Vibratos calido ferro, curling-irons, V.: stridor ferri tractaeque catenae, iron chain, V.—A sword: ferro iter aperiundum est, S.: aut ferro aut fame interire, Cs.: uri virgis ferroque necari, H.: ferro inter se comminus decertare: cernere ferro, V.: ferro regna lacessere, with war, V.: huic urbi ferro ignique minitantur, i. e. with fire and sword: ferunt ferrumque ignemque In Danaas classes, O.: igni ferroque.—Fig., the age of iron: ad ferrum venistis ab auro, O.

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