inter-cēdō cessī, cessus, ere,
to come between, intervene, be between: palus, quae intercedebat, Cs.: inter singulas legiones impedimentorum numerum intercedere, Cs.—To occur, happen, come to pass: neque ullam rem intercessisse me indignam, T.: saepe in bello parvis momentis magni casūs intercedunt, Cs.: inter bellorum curas intercessit res parva, L.: nullum dictum intercessit: huic continentia bella intercesserant, Cs.— Of time, to intervene, pass: ut spatium intercederet, dum, etc., an interval, Cs.: nox nulla intercessit.—In order or rank, to come between: etsi nemo intercedebat, etc.—Fig., of personal relations, to intervene, come between, be reciprocal: ira inter eas intercessit, T.: ut ei cum genere humano quasi civile ius intercederet: inter nos officia paria intercedunt: inter quos aemulatio intercedebat, N.: huic cum reliquis civitatibus bella intercesserant, Cs.—To interpose one's credit, become surety: promisit, intercessit, dedit: pro aliquo magnam pecuniam, guaranty.—To interpose, intercede, bring about as mediator: cum vestra auctoritas intercessisset, ut ego regem tuerer.—To oppose, withstand, protest against (esp. of the tribunes, against a decree of the senate): intercedit Antonius, Cs.: rogationi: ea auctoritas, cui scis intercessum esse: senatūs consulto, L.—To obstruct, hinder, interrupt: huic gaudio, T.: non quia intercedendum putem imaginibus, Ta.