to look upon, look closely at, gaze at: imagines, S.: capite demisso terram, Cs.: solem: ornamenta rei p.: huc atque illuc: ora omnium atque oculos: me, H.: faciem alicuius, N.: nutum illius diligenter, watch: in te intuens.—Fig., to regard, observe, contemplate, consider, give attention to: totā mente Crassum: voluntatem eorum: potius, quid se facere par esset, intuebatur, quam, etc., had more regard for, N.: tempestatem impendentem: quo intuens: tu in ea intuens te continebis: ad finiendum bellum, L.—Pass: non tam veteranos intuendos nobis.— To regard with admiration, admire, wonder at: te: sicut aliquem de caelo delapsum.
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