is ea, id, gen. ēius (sometimes monosyl. in poetry), dat. ēī (rarely eī or monosyl. ei), pron. demonst.
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I.I. As a weak demonst. in simple reference.—As subst, he, she, it, the one mentioned (without emphasis): fuit quidam senex Mercator: navem is fregit, T.: venit mihi obviam tuus puer; is mihi litteras abs te reddidit: sine eius offensione animi, hurting his feelings, Cs.—As adj., this, that, the: ea res est Helvetiis enuntiata, Cs.: flumen est Arar . . . id flumen, etc., Cs.: ante eam diem.—
II.II. Special uses.—Attracted to the following subst: exsistit ea quae gemma dicitur (i. e. id, quod): quae pars maior erit, eo stabitur consilio (i. e. eius), L.—Pleonast.—After an obj subst.: urbem novam, conditam vi et armis, iure eam condere parat, L.—In the phrase, id quod, referring to a fact, thought, or clause: ratus, id quod negotium poscebat, as the situation required, S.: id quod necesse erat accidere, just as was unavoidable, Cs.: si nos, id quod debet, nostra patria delectat, and it must be the case; cf. id de quo, L. —With et, que, atque, neque, in explanation or climax, and that too, and in fact: inquit . . . et id clariore voce, and that, Cs.: cum unā legione eāque vacillante: vincula et ea sempiterna: legio, neque ea plenissima, and not even, Cs.—In place of the reflexive pronoun: persuadent Rauracis, uti unā cum iis proficiscantur (i. e. secum), Cs.—With emphasis, as correlative to qui, he, she, it, that, the one, that one: is, qui erit adductus: haec omnia is feci, qui sodalis Dolabellae eram: qui magister equitum fuisse tibi viderere, is cucurristi, etc.— Neut. as subst, that: idne estis auctores mihi? do you advise me to that? T.: quibus id consili fuisse, ut, etc., who had formed the plan, Cs.: quando verba vana ad id locorum fuerint, hitherto, L.: ad id quod natura cogeret, i. e. death, N.: id temporis, at that time: homo id aetatis, of that age.—Abl. with a comparative, so much, by so much: eo plus, quo minus, etc., the more.—Acc. adverb., therefore, for that reason, on that account: id operam do, ut, etc., T.: id ego gaudeo.—In phrases, aliquid id genus scribere (i. e. eius generis), of that sort: ad id quod sua quemque mala cogebant, evocati, for that purpose, L.: ad id, quod . . . erat, accendebatur, etc., besides the fact, that, etc., L.: in id fide a rege acceptā, to that end, L.: quod ad me de Lentulo scribis, non est in eo, is not come to that: cum iam in eo esset, ut, etc., just on the point of, etc., L.: totum in eo est tectorium, ut sit concinnum, depends on that: ex eo, quod, etc., from the fact that: civitas data, cum eo, ut, etc., with the stipulation that, etc., L.—
III.III. Praegn., that, such, of such a sort, of the character, so great: in id redactus sum loci, ut, etc., to such a pass, T.: neque is sum, qui terrear, Cs.: itaque ego is in illum sum, quem tu me esse vis: is status erat rerum, ut, etc., L.: quae causae sunt eius modi, ut, etc.: eā mecum consuetudine coniunctus est, quod, etc., such intimacy.