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iste a, ud,

gen. istīus (poet. istius, V.; istius, disyl., T.; istī, T.), pron demonstr.
I.I. Referring to that which is at hand or present to the person addressed, this, that, he, she: At tu pol tibi istas comprimite manūs, those of yours, T.: istae minae, those threats of yours, L.: de istis rebus exspecto tuas litteras, those affairs of yours: ista subsellia, those seats near you: quae est ista praetura? that prœtorship of yours: tuus iste Stoicus sapiens. —
II.II. In gen., as a strong demonstr., that, this, the very, that particular, he, she, it: erat enim ab isto Aristotele, a cuius inventis, etc.: ista divina studia: nec enim ab isto officio abduci debui: credis quod iste dicat, T.: istius ipsius in dicendo facultatis.—
III.III. Praegn., such, of such a kind: quā re cum istā sis auctoritate, etc.: animo isto esse, N.: Egon quicquam cum istis factis tibi respondeam? T.—That (in irony or scorn): non erit ista amicitia, sed mercatura: animi est ista mollitia, non virtus, Cs.: iste tuus vates, O.

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