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mordeō momordī, morsus, ēre

MORD-, to bite, bite into : qui (canes) mordere possunt: (serpens) hastile momordit, bit into , O.: Mordeat ante aliquis quidquid, etc., taste , Iu.: humum ore momordit, bit the dust , V.To eat, devour, consume : ostrea, Iu.To bite into, take hold of, catch fast : laterum iuncturas fibula mordet, clasps , V.: mordebat fibula vestem, O.To cut into, wash away : rura quae Liris quietā Mordet aquā, H.To nip, bite, sting : matutina parum cautos iam frigora mordent, H.—Fig., to bite, sting, pain, hurt : morderi dictis, O.: iocus mordens, a biting jest , Iu.: mordear opprobriis falsis, shall be vexed , H.: valde me momorderunt epistulae tuae: morderi conscientiā, feel the sting of conscience .

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