per+1 PAT-,
continuous, unbroken, uninterrupted, constant, entire, whole, perpetual
: agmen: vigiliaeque stationesque,
a continuous line of
, etc., Cs.: Perpetuis soliti patres considere
mensis, V.: innocentia perpetuā
vitā perspecta,
in the whole tenor of his life
, Cs.: oratio (opp. altercatio):
a permanent court for criminal trials
: historia,
a general history
: diem perpetuum in laetitiā degere,
this whole day
, T.: lex: stellarum cursūs:
formido, V.: rota, perpetuum quā
circumvertitur axem (i. e. perpetuo), O.—As
: in perpetuum (sc. tempus),
for all time, forever.—Universal, general
: perpetui iuris quaestio: quaestio,
a general principle
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