pēs pedis, m
a foot
: nudus, T.: pedibus
aeger, S.: si pes condoluit: pede tellurem
pulsare, i. e.
, H.: cycnum pedibus uncis Sustulit,
, V.: pedum digiti,
, O.: numquam huc tetulissem pedem,
would have come hither
, T.: Nusquam pedem (sc. feram),
I won't stir a step
, T.: pedem ferre,
, V.: si in fundo pedem posuisses,
set foot
: profugum referre pedem,
, O.: magis pedem conferre,
come to closer quarters
: ut prope conlato pede gereretur res,
almost hand to hand
, L.: votis malignum Opponit nostris
sets her foot against
(of Fortune), O.: retrahitque pedem simul unda
relabens, V.: ego me in pedes
took to my heels
, T.—Abl
. (rarely sing.), of motion,
afoot, on foot, marching, walking
: pedibus vincere,
in running
, O.: cum ingressus iter pedibus sit: pedibus
compensari pecuniam, i. e.
the long walk to the property makes up for its cheapness
: ut omnes pedibus mererent,
serve as infantry
, L.: cum illud iter pedibus confici
by land
: quod flumen pedibus transiri potest,
be forded
, Cs.: in quam sententiam cum pedibus
iretur, i. e.
when a division was taken on this question
, L.: cum omnes in sententiam eius pedibus
voted for his resolution
, L.: Quo bene coepisti, sic pede semper
eas, O.: tua dexter adi pede sacra
expressive of favor
, V.: Ripa felici tacta sit pede,
, O.: quid tam dextro pede concipis,
(the right foot being associated with good omens),
. with
: ad pedes descensum ab Romanis est,
the Romans dismounted
, L.: magnā ex parte ad pedes pugna
mainly an infantry fight
, L.: ad pedes omnium singillatim accidente
supplicating each
: vos ad pedes lenonis proiecistis: cui cum se maesta turba
ad pedes provolvisset, L.— In expression of
subjection or inferiority: servus a pedibus,
: Omnia sub pedibus vertique regique,
under their sway
, V.: duas urbīs sub pedibus tuis
relinquemus, L.: Sub pedibus timor
is spurned
, O.—In the phrase, pedibus trahi,
to be dragged by the heels, go to the dogs
: trahantur per me pedibus omnes rei.—In
the phrase, ante pedes,
before the feet, in plain view, evident
: quod ante pedes est, Videre, T.:
eos ante pedes suos iugulari
coëgit.—In phrases with
: tuas res ita contractas, ut nec caput nec pedes
(habeant), i. e.
neither beginning nor end
: ut nec pes nec caput uni Reddatur formae, i. e.
the several parts
, H.—In the phrase, manibus pedibus,
with might and main
: Conari manibus pedibus noctīsque et
dies, T.—Meton., of a couch or table,
a foot, leg
: Lectuli pedes, T.: mensae, O.: grabati,
a handle
, Ct.—In navigation,
a sheet, sail-rope
: pede labitur aequo, i. e.
before the wind
, O.: pedibus aequis: unā omnes fecere
pedem, i. e.
let out the sheet
, V.—In verse,
a foot
: herous: pedibus claudere verba,
to make verses
, H.: Musa per undenos emodulanda pedes,
in hexameters and pentameters
, O.: extremum seu trahat pedem, i. e.
(of the choliambus), O.—
A kind of verse, measure
: Et pede, quo debent acria bella geri,
O.: Lesbius, H. —As a
a foot
: intervallum pedum duorum, Cs.:
pedem discessisse: pede suo se metiri,
by his own foot-rule
, i. e.
by his own abilities
, H.