(prōmōrat for
prōmōverat, H., Ph.), mōtus, ēre, to move
forward, cause to advance, push onward, advance: saxa
vectibus, Cs.: assa in alterum angulum: castra ad
Carthaginem, move onward, L.: hasta suā
sponte promota, removed, L.: unum pedem
triclinio, move from, Ph. —To extend, enlarge: vires inmensum in orbem, O.—Fig., to bring to pass, effect,
accomplish: Nihil, make no progress, T.—To
enlarge, increase, promote: Doctrina vim promovet insitam,
H.: miles ad eum gradum promotus, Cu.—To bring to
light, reveal: arcana promorat loco (i. e. ex intimo
corde), H.—To put off, defer, postpone: huic
nuptias, T.
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