tabella ae, f dim.
a small board
: ternis instructa lapillis, i. e.
, O.: Heu quantum fati parva tabella
frail plank
(i. e.
), O.: liminis,
the door-sill
, Ct.—
A fan
: quos (ventos) faciet nostrā mota tabella
manu, O. —
A little picture, small painting
: ea (exedria) tabellis ornare: priscis sparsa tabellis
Porticus, O.—
A waxed tablet for writing, writing-tablet
: tabellae Imponere manūs, O.:
abiegnae, O.—In the comitia,
a ballot, polling-ticket, vote
: cerata tabella cerā legitimā,
i. e.
with wax of uniform color
(to protect secrecy): tabellā consulem declarare, i. e.
by ballot
: tabella modo detur nobis, sicut populo data
est.—In a court of justice,
a judge's ballot, juror's tablet, vote
(inscribed with letters indicating his judgment or verdict, as C for condemno;
A for absolvo; NL for non liquet): iudicialis: ternas tabellas dari ad iudicandum iis,
etc., Cs.—
A votive tablet, memorial tablet
: votiva, H.: memores, O.—Plur,
a writing, written composition, letter, epistle
: tabellae laureatae,
a despatch reporting a victory
, L.: Cur totiens video mitti recipique tabellas?
O.: tabellas proferri iussimus.—
A document, contract, deed, record
: Heracliensium publicae,
public records
: tabellae quaestionis,
minutes of the examination
: falsae
forged wills
, Iu.: tabellis obsignatis agis mecum,
i. e.
you hold me strictly to what I have said