mānus, “good”). A name
euphemistically given by the Romans to the spirits of the dead, which were held to be immortal
like the gods, and hence designated as such (
dii manes). They dwelt below
the earth, and only came forth at certain seasons of the year. On the Mons Palatinus at Rome,
there was, as in other Italian towns, a deep pit with the shape of an inverted sky, known as
mundus, the lowest part of which was consecrated to the infernal gods
and also to the Manes, and was closed with a stone,
lapis manalis,
thought to be the gate of the nether world. This stone was lifted up three times a year
(August 24, October 5, November 8), and the Manes were then believed to rise to the upper
world; on this account those days were
religiosi—i. e. no
serious matter might be undertaken on them. Sacrifices were made to the Manes as to the dead;
water, wine, warm milk, honey, oil, and the blood of black sheep, pigs, and oxen were
poured on the grave; ointments and incense were offered; and the grave was decked with
flowers, roses and violets by preference. Oblations, which chiefly consisted of beans, eggs,
lentils, bread and wine, were placed on the grave, and the mourners partook of a meal in its
neighbourhood. Besides the private celebrations there was also a public and universal
festival, the Parentalia, which lasted from the 13th to the 21st of February, the last month
of the older Roman year; the last day had the special name Feralia. During these days all the
temples were closed, marriages were prohibited, and the magistrates had to appear in public
without the tokens of their office. The festival of the dead was followed by that of the
relations on February 22, called
Caristia (q.v.).
This was celebrated throughout the town by each individual family, the members of which
exchanged presents and met at festal banquets. See Ovid,
Fasti, ii. 617;
Lares; and