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CUNICULA´RIAE INSULAE is the name given by Pliny to some small islands lying in the strait which separates Corsica from Sardinia, now known as the Straits of Bonifacio. They are probably the [p. 1.719]three small islets now called Isola dei Razzoli, dei Budelli, and di Sta. Maria, which are those that lie most directly in the strait itself. Between these and the N. extremity of Sardinia, is the more considerable island called Isola delta Maddalena, which is probably the PHINTON of Pliny and Ptolemy. The former mentions another island called Fossae, and Ptolemy one called Ilva, close to Phinton. There are, in fact, two other islands--one called L di Caprera, on the E. of La Maddalena, and the I. dei Sparagi, on the W.--to which these names may be applied, but they cannot be really identified. Perhaps Pliny means to apply the name of Cuniculariae to the whole group. (Plin. Nat. 3.6. s. 13; Ptol. 3.3.8.)


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  • Cross-references from this page (2):
    • Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, 3.6
    • Claudius Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, 3.3
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