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GRINNES a place in Northern Gallia, mentioned by Tacitus (Tac. Hist. 5.20) in his history of the insurrection of Civilis. The Table places Grinnes on a road between Noviomagus (Nymegen) and Lugdunum (Leiden). It is 18 M. P. from Noviomagus to Ad Duodecimum [DUODECIMUM, AD], and 9 M. P. from Ad Duodecimum to Grinnes. The next station after Grinnes is Caspingium, 18 M. P. It seems that hardly any two geographers agree about the site of Grinnes. Walckenaer has no doubt that it is Warich and Bochstein, as he writes the names. The only thing that is certain is, that we do not know where Grinnes is.


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    • Tacitus, Historiae, 5.20
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