Alexander Ii.
*)Ale/candros), the sixteenth kilng of MACEDONIA, the eldest son of Amyntas II., succeeded his father in B. C. 369, and appears to have reigned nearly two years, though Diodorus assigns only one to his reign. While engaged in Thessaly in a war with Alexander of Pherae, a usurper rose up in Macedonia of the name of Ptolemy Alorites, whom Diodorus, apparently without good authority, calls a brother of the king. Pelopidas, being called in to mediate between them, left Alexander in possession of the kingdom, but took with him to Thebes several hostages; among whom, according to some accounts, was Philip, the youngest brother of Alexander, afterwards king of Macedonia, and father of Alexander the Great.
But he had scarcely left Macedonia, before Alexander was murdered by Ptolemy Alorites, or according to Justin (
7.5), through the intrigues of his mother, Eurydice, Demosthenes (
de fails. Leg. p. 402) names Apollo-phanes as one of the murderers. (
Diod. 15.60,
Plut. Pel. 26,
Athen. 14.629d.; Aeschin.
de fals. Leg. p. 31, 1. 33.)