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*Lago/ras), a Cretan soldier of fortune, who, when in the service of Ptolemy IV. (Philopator), was sent by Nicolaus, Ptolemy's general, to occupy the passes of Mount Libanus at Berytus, and to check there the advance of Antiochus the Great, who was marching upon Ptolemis, B. C. 219. He was, however, defeated and dislodged from his position by the Syrian king. In B. C. 215, in the war of Antiochus against Achaeus, we find Lagoras in the service of the former; and it was through his discovery of an unguarded part of the wall of Sardis, that Antiochus was enabled to take the city, Lagoras being himself one of the select party who forced their way into the town over the portion of the wall in question. (Pol. 5.61, 7.15-18.)


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