No. 38. report of Capt. Thomas J. Bryan, Seventy-fourth Illinois Infantry.
Hdqrs. Seventy-Fourth Regt. Illinois Vol. Infty., Atlanta, Ga., September--, 1864.
Colonel: In compliance with orders I have the honor to transmit the following report of the part taken by this regiment in the campaign which has just closed:
The regiment, under command of Col. Jason Marsh, 384 strong, marched from Columbus, Tenn., on the 1st of May, 1864, and joined the brigade, then commanded by Col. F. T. Sherman, at Cleveland, Tenn., the following day. On the 3d of May, at 12 m., marched toward Dalton, in the course of the day passing through Red Clay, and bivouacking for the night at 6 p. m. near the Georgia line.
May 4, marched at 8 a. m., camping at 4 p. m. near Catoosa Springs, where we lay until the 7th, when we marched at 5 a. m. During the day there was constant skirmishing in the advance, and little progress was made.
At 1 p. m. camped near Tunnel Hill. May 8, marched at 11 a. m., advancing about two miles and camping near Rocky Face Ridge. May 9, at 2 a. m. regiment moved without arms to foot of the ridge and were occupied until daylight in dragging two pieces of artillery by hand to the crest of the ridge.
Returned to camp, got breakfast, and at 7 a. m. moved again to crest of the ridge, where during the day the regiment took part in skirmishing, but without loss.
At 8 p. m. moved down to foot of ridge and encamped for the night about two miles to the rear.
May 10, moved at 6 a. m., and at 9 a. m. again marched to crest of the ridge, where we lay in line all day. This position was occupied by the regiment until the morning of the 13th.
In this interval the regiment was on picket for thirty-six hours, from 12 midnight 11th to morning of the 13th, capturing 3 prisoners from the enemy.
May 13, moved out at 7 a. m. down south slope of the ridge, and at 12 m. stacked arms in Dalton.
At 3 p. m. marched on, halting at 5 p. m. to make coffee, camping at 11 p. m. by the roadside.
May 14, moved at 4 a. m., advancing very slowly about two miles. The engagement commenced at noon. This regiment was sent into the action at 4 p. m., and at 7 p. m., their ammunition being exhausted, were sent to rear a short distance to replenish their cartridge-boxes.
At 11 p. m. the regiment again moved out to the front, and during the night lay upon their arms in works from which the enemy had been dislodged.
May 15, the-action recommenced at daylight, the regiment being engaged till 11 a. m. In this interval the cartridge-boxes of the men were twice refilled.
Reported to Colonel Bradley, commanding Third Brigade, under whose orders moved a short distance to rear and stacked arms.
In this battle (Resaca) the regiment lost 4 men killed and 22 wounded. May 16, it was ascertained at an early hour this morning that the rebel army had entirely disappeared trom our front.
Moved out at 8 a. m., passing through the works abandoned by the rebels during the night, and at 10 a. m. stacked arms in Resaca.
Crossed the Oostenaula River at 11 a. m., halted for dinner, and at 3 p. m. again marched, going into bivouac about three miles south of Resaca and near Calhoun Station.
During the afternoon's march frequent halts became necessary by reason of constant skirmishing in the advance.
This night the regiment was on picket.
May 17, marched at 5 a, m., and during the morning passed
through the town of Calhoun.
During the day those regiments in the advance constantly skirmished with the enemy, and 3 p. m. the latter were found strongly posted about three miles north of the town of Adairsville.
Our regiment, with others of the brigade, was ordered to attack them at once; did so, and was engaged until 6 p. m., when, ammunition being exhausted, the regiment moved to rear and bivouacked for the night.
In the fight the regiment lost I commissioned officer wounded, 1 enlisted man killed, and 29 enlisted men wounded.
May 18, during the night the enemy evacuated his position in our immediate front.
Marched at 8 a. m., passing through the village of Adairsville during the forenoon, camping at dark near the railroad.
May 19, marched at 7 a. m., passed through Kingston at noon, formed line of battle about 3 p. mn., advanced to within two miles of Cassville, bivouacking at 10 p. m. Constant skirmishing during the day. Brig. Gen. Nathan Kimball, in compliance with orders from General Thomas, relieved Colonel Sherman in command of the brigade May 22.
The regiment remained at this point at rest until 12 noon of the 23d instant, when it marched in a southwesterly direction, crossing the Etowah River at 10 p. m., camping at midnight four miles beyond the river.
May 24, marched at 6 a. m., moving slowly and with frequent halts, camping at 8 p. m. May 25, marched at 9 a. m., halting at 4 p. m.; lay in line of battle all this night (25-26). Continuous rain all night.
This near New Hope Church. May 26, slightly changed position this morning, and at 10 a. m. established a line and built works under the fire of the enemy's sharpshooters.
Constant skirmishing all day. This night lay on arms.
Loss, 1 enlisted man wounded.
May 27, this morning moved a short distance to the right and lay in works until 4 p. m., when the regiment moved out to advance line of works, and engaged the enemy until darkness set in. Loss, I enlisted man killed and 2 wounded. Moved to right, battalion distance, and lay on arms all following night.
May 28, lay in front line all day, heavily skirmishing with the enemy, whose works were 300 yards in front.
Moved back to third line of works at 8 p. m., and lay for the night.
Loss during the day, 2 enlisted men killed, 5 enlisted men wounded.
May 29, at 8 p. m. regiment moved out and went on picket, occupying hastily constructed rifle-pits immediately in front our works, and distant about 150 yards from enemy's main line of works.
At 9 p. m. the enemy opened on us with heavy musketry firing.
To this we replied with rapid and continuous musketry from the rifle-pits, while a battery in our works near by shelled the enemy's line.
In half an hour the firing ceased and the night passed quietly.
May 30, regiment relieved from picket at 8 p. m. and moved back to second line of works, where we lay for the night.
There was constant skirmishing all day, our loss being 2 enlisted men killed.
May 31, at sundown moved out to front line of works, where we lay all night.
June 1, lay in front line all day; at dark were relieved and moved to rear, where lay for the night.
June 2, lay still all day; 1 man wounded.
June 3, at dark moved out to front line of works.
June 4, entire division was relieved at dark and regiment moved one mile to rear and lay for the night.
June 5, rebels evacuated their works during the past night.
Regiment changed front and built works.
June 6, at 5 a. m. moved two miles to rear to escort hospital trains Rejoined brigade at 7 a. m. Marched at 8 a. m. At 2 p. m. brigade halted and regiment went on picket.
June 7, skirmished with rebel cavalry, capturing 8 prisoners. No loss in regiment.
June 8, moved at 7 a. m., rejoining the division at 2 p. m. and camping four miles from Acworth.
June 9, lay in camp.
June 10, marched at 7 a. m., halting frequently and making but little progress, camping 7 p. m., having advanced but three miles. Colonel Marsh having been ordered to Nashville for medical treatment, Lieutenant-Colonel Kerr took command of regiment to-day.
June 11, moved at 9 a. m. very slowly, the road being crowded with troops, and at 12 halted near Pine Mountain.
Remained at this place until June 14.
The roads were very bad by reason of daily heavy rains.
June 14, advanced one mile. June 15, from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m., advanced two miles, regiment being formed in close column by division, and bayonets fixed, in momentary expectation of a charge.
At 6 p. m., enemy being found strongly posted in our immediate front, the brigade halted and immediately built a line of works, where we lay for the night.
During the day there had been constant skirmishing.
June 16, at 3 a. m. regiment moved forward and relieved troops in reserve of skirmish line, and built a line of works.
Regiment went on picket.
Loss this day, 3 men wounded.
June 17, at daylight it was discovered that the enemy had abandoned during the night his works in our immediate front.
The regiment immediately advanced as skirmishers and occupied these works.
Were relieved at 8 a. m. During the day the brigade advanced about one mile. June 18, this morning the regiment was in support of the skirmish line; at 9 a. m. advanced through woods, across a marsh and creek, the men wading to their middles, and occupied works from which the enemy had just been driven by the skirmishers of General Harker's brigade.
During part night and all this day it rained continuously.
Loss in regiment, 1 man killed, 2 men wounded.
June 19, brigade advanced slowly to-day; the Thirty-sixth Illinois skirmished with the enemy, who were driven two miles and finally came to a stand in a line of works at the foot of Kenesaw Mountain. June 20, built a line of works to-day under fire from the rebel batteries.
No one hurt in the regiment, although several of the tents were struck.
At dark regiment relieved by troops of the Fourteenth Army Corps and moved to the right, where we went on picket.
June 21, moved to right about one mile, relieving troops of Twentieth Army Corps in works.
In the afternoon the Forty-fourth Illinois advanced as skirmishers one-half mile, supported by this regiment.
A new line was established and works thrown up at once.
Loss, 4 men wounded.
June 22, brigade moved forward, skirmishing with enemy to a ridge 600 yards in advance and occupied the same.
Timber was cut in the rear during the afternoon, and at dark the men carried the logs to top of the ridge and built a line of works; 2 mn wounded.
June 23, at 3 p. m. regiment advanced, supporting Twenty-sixth Ohio, skirmishers of Second Brigade, and occupied rifle-pits, from which the enemy were driven.
Works were immediately commenced, but the enemy having driven in the skirmishers, part of the regiment was deployed and drove the enemy back.
The building of works was resumed and the line completed during the night.
Loss, 1 commissioned officer wounded, 1 man killed, 7 men wounded.
June 24, relieved from skirmish line at 9 p. m., where we remained until June 27.
At 9 a. m. regiment, with brigade, formed in close column by division and moved out of its works.
At 9.30 a. m., from a position occupied in a deep ravine, charged the rebel works.
Persistent and repeated attempts to advance only showed that the enemy was too strongly posted to make
success possible without too great a sacrifice.
The regiment was subject to a direct fire from one of the enemy's batteries at a very short range.
These guns were loaded with grape and canister, and did fearful execution.
Many men in the regiment advanced so far that they crept up under the very muzzles of these guns.
In addition the enemy's skirmishers had fallen back to their main line of works, from whence we received a constant and deadly fire of musketry.
At 10 a. m., in pursuance of orders, the regiment fell back to its position of the morning.
Went into action this morning with 17 officers and 190 enlisted men. Losses this day were as follows: Commissioned officers, killed, 2; mortally wounded (since died), 3; wounded, 2.
Enlisted men, killed, 15; mortally wounded (since died), 7; wounded, 27; missing, 7.
Aggregate loss, 63. Colonel Kerr, foremost in the regiment, was captured mortally wounded.
The undersigned, being senior officer, assumed command of the regiment and brought it off the field.
June 28, 1 man was wounded this day. Lay in these works until July 2, when, at 9 p. m., moved to left one mile, and at 12 m. relieved Third Division in works.
July 3, at 3 a. m. this morning it was discovered that the rebels had evacuated all the works around Kenesaw and the mountain itself.
Troops were immediately sent in pursuit.
The regiment moved out at 7 a. m., and at 11 a. m. stacked arms in Marietta.
Moved on, and at 7.30 p. m. camped at Smyrna Camp-Ground, the regiment going on picket.
July 4, the regiment was on the skirmish line all day, advancing one and a half miles, driving the enemy from their rifle-pits under a heavy fire.
Loss this day, 7 men wounded, 2 of them mortally.
July 5, moved out at 7 a. m., advancing slowly.
Constant skirmishing in the advance.
At 3 p. m. halted and camped at Vining's Station.
Remained at this place until July 7.
At 8 a. m. moved two miles to left and camped near Rottenwood Creek.
Remained at this place until July 9.
Marched at 6.30 a. m., reaching Roswell at 4 p. m. Crossed the Chattahoochee River at a ford at 7 p. m., the men wading.
Moved up to top of bluff one mile from the river and lay for the night.
July 10, built a line of works.
July 11, recrossed the river at noon, and camped at Roswell.
July 12, moved back to camp of 8th instant. July 13, marched at 9 a. m., crossing river at Pace's Ferry at 10 a. m. Went into bivouac 3 p. m., and built a line of works two miles above ferry.
July 14, in compliance with orders, regiment reported to Captain Bridges, chief of ordnance Fourth Corps, for fatigue duty, by whose direction the regiment was employed during the day in building a road from Pace's Ferry up the bluff, as well as a bridge across the river.
Bivouacked by the river to-night.
July 15, moved back to works occupied on 13th instant. July 17, at 3 p. m. regiment went on reconnaissance about one mile to the front, finding no enemy, and returning at 5 p. m. July 18, marched at 6 a. m. At 8 a. m. skirmishing commenced, and for an hour was lively and continuous.
Some shells were thrown from the rebel batteries, but Spencer's guns getting into position soon silenced them.
At 2 p. m. went into camp at Buck Head, and built works in the afternoon.
A part of the regiment, in charge of Capt. Hobart H. Hatch, made a reconnaissance during the day, and found the enemy strongly posted on the south bank of Peach Tree Creek. July 19, at 4 p. m. the regiment relieved the Fifteenth Missouri on picket.
At 7 p. m. picket-line was withdrawn and regiment rejoined the brigade, which had advanced about one mile. At 11 p. m. crossed Peach Tree Creek and occupied works which had been
built by Wood's division, who had also carried the position.
July 20, at 7 a. m. the regiment was deployed as skirmishers, the Eightyeighth Illinois being on our right.
At 1 p. m. the skirmish line advanced double-quick, charging and driving the enemy from two lines of rifle-pits, gaining one-half a mile of ground.
The regiment captured of prisoners, I surgeon, 2 enlisted men; also, an ambulance and span of mules.
A commanding position on the ridge, from which rebel skirmish line had been dislodged, was gained and occupied by the regiment.
At 2 p. m. the Fifteenth Missouri relieved us from the skirmish line, when we commenced building works.
At 3 p. m., while the works were very incomplete, the enemy advanced in force, the skirmishers fell back, and a heavy engagement ensued, continuing until 6 p. m., the enemy making persistent attempts to advance and force the position, while our men, protected by their works, poured a continuous and deadly fire upon the enemy, killing and wounding such numbers that they gladly gave up the endeavor as vain.
Loss, 1 commissioned officer and 3 men wounded.
Remained at this place until July 22.
The enemy during the night evacuated his works in our immediate front; moved out at 10 a. m. At 12 m., having advanced two miles, came to a halt.
At 2 p. m. got into a position and built a line of works under a furious fire of shell from the enemy.
At 4 p. m. moved to the right about onehalf mile and again built works, the enemy still shelling us. Remained in this place until July 24.
At 7.30 p. m. regiment was ordered out to a ridge lying between our works and the skirmish line, to support the pioneers, who were to build there a new line of works.
This regiment worked, however, until 4 a. m. the following morning.
During the night one man was struck by a shell and his arm broken.
Remained here until July 26.
At 11 a. m. were relieved by troops of the Third Brigade, and moved one-half mile to rear in reserve.
Remained at this place, in camp, until August 1.
Marched 4.30 p. m., moving to left, halting at 6 p. m. near Howard house, relieving troops in the works there.
Regiment went on picket in plain view of Atlanta, one and a quarter miles distant. August 2, relieved from skirmish line at 9 p. m. by the Thirty-sixth Illinois, when we moved back to the works.
By order of General Newton, Col. E. Opdycke this day (August 6) assumed command of brigade.
All quiet up to August 12.
Regiment went on a reconnaissance at noon, advancing about 600 yards beyond the skirmish line, and losing 1 man killed.
August 14, enemy shelled the camp this evening, firing rapidly, commencing at 8 p. m. and continuing until 11 p. m. No casualties occurred in the regiment.
Nothing important transpired until August 17.
At 7.30 p. m. moved three-quarters of a mile to the left, and occupied works, remaining until August 25.
Marched at 7 p. m., and all following night, toward right wing of the army.
August 26, halted at 4 a. m. At 8 a. m. ready to march.
Enemy being reported advancing, brigade built a line of works.
Marched at 10 a. m. very rapidly to right.
Violent rain in the afternoon; camping at 5 p. m. August 27, marched at 3 p. m., camping at 9 p. m. near Mount Gilead Church; regiment on picket.
August 28, marched at 3 p. m., camping at 9 p. m. Remained until August 30.
Marched at 6 a. m., crossing the La Grange railroad.
At noon halted and threw up works.
August 31, marched at 11 a. m., slowly and with frequent halts.
At 7 p. m. halted and built works.
September 1,
marched at 7 a. m. At 9 a. m. struck the Macon railroad at Battle Station.
Were occupied in destroying track, burning ties, and bending rails until 4 p. m., when the march to Jonesborough, via the railroad, was resumed.
At 5 p. m., and about one and a half miles north of Jonesborough, regiment was deployed as skirmishers; advanced rapidly, and at 6 p. m. engaged the enemy's skirmishers, driving them and capturing 11 prisoners, in addition to a hospital with nearly 150 wounded men and attendants.
In order to connect with the Second Brigade, the regiment, soon after dark, was forced to move to the right.
This left the rebel hospital in front of the skirmishers of the Third Brigade, whose line was not so far advanced as that of this regiment.
It also afforded the opportunity to the Third Brigade to claim the credit of capturing the hospital.
Loss in the regiment, 1 man wounded, 1 commissioned officer and 12 men taken prisoners.
September 2, moved out at 7 a. m., passing through Jonesborough and halting at 1 p. m., about four miles south of that town.
Regiment was immediately deployed as skirmishers, advanced one mile without resistance, and came to a halt in a deep ravine, distant from the enemy's rifle-pits about 150 yards, and from their main line of works about 400 yards. At 5 p. m., having been ordered to make a demonstration, advanced to top of hill opposite and exchanged shots with enemy's skirmishers until darkness set in. At 11 p. m. were relieved by the Twenty-fourth Wisconsin and moved back into works.
September 3, moved into position in front line of brigade and built line of works.
September 4, 1 man wounded.
September 5, marched to rear at 8 p. m.; marching all night.
September 6, camped at 2 a. m. September 7, marched at 7 a. m., camping at 1 p. m., about eight miles from Atlanta.
September 8, marched at 9 a. m., arriving in Atlanta at noon.
The entire losses of the campaign foot up as follows: Commissioned officers killed or died from wounds, 5; enlisted men killed or died from wounds, 50; commissioned officers wounded, 4; enlisted men wounded, 90; commissioned officers captured, 1; enlisted men captured, 25; aggregate, 175.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,