May 1.
The story of an armistice having been requested by Secretary Cameron was denied as follows:
--N. Y. Times, May 2.
A large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of Wiscasset, Maine, was held, Wilmot Wood, Esq., presiding. Some spirited resolutions were unanimously passed; and it was recommended to the town to raise $5,000 for the support of families of volunteers who, under the command of Edwin M. Smith, Esq., were enrolled in a company for the defence of the Union.--Boston Transcript, May 7.
The Baptist State Convention of Georgia, submitted a communication to the Congress of the seceded States at Montgomery, endorsing, approving, and avowing support to, the Confederate Government, and requesting the said Government to proclaim a day of fasting and prayer, “that God will deliver us from the power of our enemies, and restore peace to the country.” --(Doc. 124.)
The governor of Connecticut sent a message to the legislature of that State, containing the following:--“Col. Samuel Colt, of Hartford, on the 25th of April last, offered to the executive his services in promoting the enlistment of a regiment of able-bodied men from the State for the war, and to furnish a sufficient number of his revolving breech rifles for their equipment. To this noble proposition I have replied, expressing my high appreciation of the patriotic offer, and assuring him that the tender of ten companies would at once be accepted, the troops organized into a regiment, the field officers appointed in harmony with the wishes of the regiment and the dignity of the State, and their services placed at the disposal of the General Government. These arms, which are the very latest improvements, with the saber bayonets, would sell in market to-day for over $50,000 in cash. Col. Colt is now actively engaged in enlisting a full regiment for the war, and also furnishing officers to drill and perfect the men in the use of the weapons at his own expense.” --The World, May 3.
General Harney, in a letter to Col. Fallon of St. Louis, gives an account of his arrest and subsequent release by the authorities of Virginia; declares that he will serve under no other banner than the one he has followed for forty years; denies the right of secession, and implores his fellow-citizens of Missouri not to be seduced by designing men to become the instruments of their mad ambition, and plunge the State into revolution.--(Doc. 125.)
The Albany (N. Y.) Burgesses Corps arrived at New York, and proceed to Washington to-morrow to join the Twenty-fifth regiment, N. Y. S. M.--(Doc. 126.)
An attempt was made to blow up the State Powder House, on Bramhall Hill, at Portland, Me., containing 1,000 kegs of powder, by building a fire at an air-hole outside. It was discovered, and extinguished.--N. Y. Tribune, May 2.
Gov. Black of Nebraska, issued a proclamation, recommending a thorough volunteer organization throughout the Territory. He has supplied companies with arms and equipments, and seems determined to place Nebraska in the best possible condition of defence.--N. Y. Tribune, May 2.
[53] The remains of the three Massachusetts soldiers who were killed in Baltimore, arrived at Boston in charge of private D. S. Wright, of the Sixth regiment, who was detailed by Col. Jones for the duty. The bodies were taken from the receiving tomb in Baltimore, under the supervision of Mayor Brown, and left Tuesday morning last. The fact was not generally known, but a large crowd gathered at the depot. Gov. Andrew and staff, the executive council, with the divisionary corps of cadets as an escort, were present to receive the bodies. The coffins were covered with national flags, as were the hearses which bore them to Stone Chapel, under which they were deposited to await final and more public obsequies. On the route to the chapel the band played dirges, and the rapidly-gathered crowds uncovered as the procession moved past.--Boston Transcript, May 2.
The Montgomery (Ala.) Weekly Post of this day, says:--“There is no longer any doubt as to the position of General Scott. His general order of April 19 will satisfy the most skeptical. He will prove false to the mother which gave him birth.” --(See Doc. 68, p. 78.)
Lieut. Collier, of the United States marines, attached to the Minnesota, raised the American flag to-day on the steeple of the Old South Church at Boston, Mass. At noon the star-spangled banner was raised with great demonstration of enthusiasm from the post-office and custom-house at Baltimore, Md., by order of the newly-appointed officials. A large crowd assembled in front of the custom-house to witness the flag-raising. A new flag-staff was erected over the portico, and at precisely quarter to twelve, Captain Frazier, a veteran sea-captain of Fells Point, who was assigned the honor, drew up the flag, which, as it spread to the breeze, was greeted with tremendous applause, waving of hats, cheers for the Union and the old flag. The crowd then joined in singing the “Star-spangled Banner.” --N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, May 1.
William Gray, of Boston, Mass., gave ten thousand dollars for the benefit of the volunteers' families.--N. Y. Times, May 2.
The South Carolina College Cadets and the Washington Artillery returned to Charleston, S. C., from duty at the forts in the harbor of that place.--(Doc. 127.)
May 2.
The Sixty-ninth New York Regiment, (altogether composed of Irishmen,) under the command of Col. Corcoran, arrived at Washington, from the Annapolis Junction, Md., where, with the exception of one company which preceded them on Tuesday, they have been on duty for several days past.--National Intelligencer, May 3.
Governor Andrew, the Mayors of Lowell and Lawrence, and others, met at the State House, in Boston, Mass., for the purpose of identifying the bodies of the Massachusetts soldiers killed in Baltimore. Several articles which were the property of the deceased were exhibited, but failing to identify the bodies by these, the company proceeded to the vault beneath King's Chapel, where the coffins were opened. The first corpse was at once recognized as Sumner H. Needham of Lawrence, by two of his brothers. The second was recognized as that of Addison 0. Whitney of the Lowell City Guards, by three of his intimate friends. He was reported as among the missing when the regiment reached Washington. He died from a shot in the left breast. He was a spinner in the Middlesex Mills, and has a sister at Lowell. The third body proved to be that of Luther C. Ladd of Lowell, also of the Lowell City Guards. He had not been heard from since the fight, but a letter was received from his brother in the regiment at Washington stating that ho was missing. The body was identified by a brother-in-law of Ladd. He was about eighteen years of age, a machinist, and was born at Alexandria, N. H. He was shot in the thigh, and probably bled to death at once. His face was somewhat swollen, and gave evidence of rough usage.--Boston Traveller, May 3.
The mouth of James River, and Hampton roads are under strict blockade. The blockading vessels are the frigate Cumberland, steamships Monticello and Yankee, and three or four steam tugs.--The World, May 4.
Ellsworth's Regiment of Fire Zouaves arrived at Washington. Their march through the city was a complete ovation. They were greeted with great cheering and other demonstrations of enthusiasm. The splendid appearance of the regiment, both as to numbers and [54] equipments, caused great surprise, and elicited universal praise.--