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An anxious wife.--Literal copy of a letter received in the summer of 1863, at the Headquarters of General J. E. Johnston, Mississippi, addressed to him:

Will you do me an favor — inquire of General Jackson for my husband P. N. Smith. he joind Balentins Caveldry last fall in Hatcha then Chalmens — then you sent him to Jackson Cavaldrey the twenty-forth of last June. you mind he cairn to you in Canten under A rest by order of Dr Baker in penoley (Panola) you sent him back to get his horse and give him A free pass. he brout me And my Boy — I was in Ward No 2 as matron under Dr right — if you can find aney thing pleas rite to me — my husband is none by Capt Brown--he rides A dark bay horse he cales stonewall Jackson — himself wares A green shirt with yelew braid on it — he has red hair small black hat tied by a string — I no that you will Laf at me. All right. I want to no And I no you will tell me all you no And do All you Can ye humble suvant

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